Chapter 2: Meeting on a Street Corner in Van (last part)

While a guy who could use incredible magic with power comparable to a weapon

of mass destruction would be one thing, or a guy who could equip invincible sword

and armor, a guy from another world with a power that happened to make

administrative tasks a little easier wasn't going to be of any interest to the Empire

with its massive population and the large number of personnel it had as a result.

However, that being the case, the Empire had asked the kingdom to perform the

hero summoning. After considering the matter with Hakuya for some time, we had

come to a certain conclusion. It was...

"That was an attempt to show consideration, right?" I asked. "Towards a kingdom

that couldn't pay the war subsidies."

Jeanne reacted with startled surprise. "...Yes," she said with resignation.

...I knew it.

In the Mankind Declaration, which the Empire had proposed, it said, "Countries

that are distant from the Demon Lord's Domain will provide support to those

nations which are adjacent to it and are acting as a defensive wall."

The Empire had wanted the Elfrieden Kingdom, as a country that was distant

from the Demon Lord's Domain, to provide support to the countries adjacent to it. If

they hadn't, there would have been complaints from the other signatories to the

Mankind Declaration.

However, at the time, with the food crisis and financial crisis slowly pushing the

kingdom to the point of collapse, it would have been nearly impossible to find the

money for war subsidies.

"That's why the Empire had the kingdom perform the hero summoning, to give

them the appearance of having provided support," I said. "In order to keep down the

complaints from the other signatories."

"...That's exactly it," said Jeanne.

"Hold on," Juna protested. "This country never signed the Mankind Declaration.

Were we ever obligated to provide support to begin with?"

I shook my head. "It's a fact that this country was benefiting from the defensive

wall the Empire built with the Mankind Declaration. Because we have the Union of

Eastern Nations to the north of us, we didn't have to share a border with the Demon

Lord's Domain." It was also a fact that the Union of Eastern Nations was being

propped up by war subsidies under the Mankind Declaration. "If we benefit from it,

but refuse to fulfill the obligations set out under it because we're a non-signatory,

that's going to breed resentment from the signatory countries. With that as a

pretext, Amidonia might have been able to create an alliance of several nations to

invade the kingdom. With the Empire taking the lead."

"No..." Juna said, at a loss for words, but this was the truth.

In the recent war, because the only nation plotting to invade had been the

Principality of Amidonia, we had been able to induce them to do so under conditions

that were favorable to us, and defeat them.

From Amidonia's perspective, I was sure they'd wanted to make all of the land

they occupied their own, but if they had roped in the mercenary state Zem, the

Republic of Turgis, and some portion of the Union of Eastern Nations, along with the

Imperial Army, there would have been nothing the kingdom could have done to

avoid a total collapse.

I looked Jeanne straight in the eye and said, "With your goal of uniting all

mankind to prepare for the menace of the Demon Lord's Domain, the Empire

wanted to avoid that. That's why you demanded war subsidies from non-signatories,

and for those that couldn't pay, you tried to find a workable substitute to appease

the signatories, right? In the kingdom's case, that was a hero."

"...I have no words," said Jeanne.

"To be brutally honest, the Empire didn't even expect the hero summoning to

work, did it?" I asked. "Okay, this being a world with magic, you might have thought

they'd summon something, but you can't have had high expectations for something

the kingdom itself didn't think would work. Even if the summoning had failed, you

would have been satisfied by the fact it was performed."

"That's right. But, as a result of that, you were summoned," Jeanne said, looking

troubled. "What's more, ever since you were summoned here and given the throne

by Sir Albert, you've worked actively to rebuild this country, even finding the money

to provide war subsidies. While my sister was grateful, she also regretted forcing

such a heavy burden on you when you were called here at our convenience. We truly

are sorry."

Jeanne bowed once more.

I sighed, saying, "I already told you, it's in the past. Now that I now the situation, I

don't resent you for it. It's not like I don't have a lingering attachment to my old

world, but... but..."

I glanced from Juna, with a tense look on her face, to Tomoe.

There was nobody left who would wait for me to come home in my old world.

Since coming to this world, I had found people here who would. Whenever I

returned to the castle, Liscia, Aisha, Juna, and Tomoe would be there to say,

"Welcome home." Having felt the loneliness of solitude, that was something I never

wanted to lose again.

"I've found people here I want to protect," I said simply. "That's why I'm not too

hung up over it. Mind you, if you feel bad enough about it that you'll recognize my

sovereignty over Van, I'm not gonna complain."

When I said that jokingly, Jeanne raised her face quietly shook her head. "...Sadly,

I, too, have a family to protect."

Neither of us averted our gaze. We each looked the other straight in the eye.

"I see... well, we'll have to negotiate, then," I said.

"Yes," Jeanne said. "Please, go easy on me when the time comes."

With an "I'll take my leave," Jeanne turned her back and faded into the crowd. She

vanished as quickly as she had appeared.

"The presences I felt surrounding us have vanished, too," Juna commented. "It

looks like Jeanne's bodyguards have withdrawn."

"She really did just come to say hello, huh..." I looked in the direction Jeanne had

left. "Jeanne Euphoria... the pragmatic younger sister who supports the idealistic


If it had only been Amidonia's crown prince, Julius, I'd have to contend with, I felt

there was no way I could have lost at the negotiations. But with Jeanne mediating, I

wouldn't be able to rely too much on his weaknesses. If I tried to get too crafty and

they saw through it, there was the risk that they might turn things to his advantage

by pointing it out.

I'll have to let Hakuya know he's going to need to give his all at the negotiations,


I slapped my cheeks, trying to psyche myself up for it.

That evening...

"Liscia, Aisha," I said. "I brought souvenirs for you two."

Having returned to the castle, I gave Liscia and Aisha the gifts I'd bought for

them. Liscia got that choker made of blue leather with silver foil scattered around

like stars, while Aisha got the pale lipstick.

Liscia immediately put the choker around her neck, fingering the bird clasp with

a satisfied smile. "Thanks, Souma. I'll treasure it."

The slightly shy smile wasn't like Liscia, and I couldn't help but stare at her,


Whew, I was relieved that she liked it. It suited her well, and I was glad I'd bought


Meanwhile, Aisha...

"Ohhhh, Your Majesty! To think you would bestow a gift even on one such as me,

I am awed and delighted! When you left me behind, I felt down, but this has lifted my

spirits as high as the heavens!"

"W-Well, good for you... Aisha..." Juna said.

"Yes, Madam Juna! With this lipstick, I swear I will polish my femininity! Then,

His Majesty will never let me leave his side... heh heh heh."

"G-Good luck with that..."

Aisha was a little too thrilled. The happy aura beaming from her entire body

seemed to be enough to seriously weird Juna out. Juna, by the way, was also wearing

the hair piece I'd given her.

"Sire! Sire!" cried Aisha. "How is it? Does it look good on me?"

Aisha put on her lipstick and started acting flirty right away. If Aisha hadn't been

a dark elf, and she had been a mystic wolf like Tomoe instead, her tail would have

been wagging like crazy.

When she saw how overexuberant Aisha was, Liscia traced the outline of her

choker with one finger, looking to me. "Don't you think the collar would have been a

better match for Aisha?"

"...Let me go with 'no comment' on that one," I said.