Chapter 6: Standing in Front of the Lion’s Cage (last part)

It was so silent in

the dungeon that I could hear the ringing in my ears. I realized I could wait forever,

and it wouldn't do me any good.

"Why won't you answer me?" I demanded.

"When the proper time comes, I am sure that person will tell you themselves,"

said Georg.

I rose to my feet, pulling a small bottle from my pocket and placing in front of

Georg. "Poisoned wine. While I may not appreciate the form it took, I can't publicly

execute a man who tried to martyr himself for his country. Also... I'll be offering the

same to those who want to martyr themselves for you."

It must have been the work of Georg's strong personality, but there were more

than a few soldiers and officers in the Army who'd said they would do just that. His

former second-in-command, Beowulf, as well as a number of high-ranking officers,

had demanded they receive the same punishment as Georg. Furthermore, even

among the soldiers of the Army and Air Force who had had their crimes forgiven for

their distinguished service in the war against Amidonia, there were those who'd had

to be restrained after they attempted to commit suicide in front of the castle after

demanding their commander's life be spared. Honestly... I was sick of all these

people wanting to die.

Georg took the bottle and said, "Thank you," his cheeks loosening slightly. That

menacing lion face of his now looked like that of a happy old man. Georg opened the

bottle, holding it up in my direction. "Sire. I ask that you take care of the princess for


"I can promise you that," I said. "Liscia is already an irreplaceable member of my

family. 'Protect your family, come what may'... No matter what happens in the future,

that is one belief I will never change."

I knew the pain of loneliness, and I would protect my family, no matter what

might come.

No matter how inefficient that might be.

Perhaps sensing my resolve, Georg nodded with satisfaction. "It relieves me to

hear that. I will always there, praying for the Elfrieden Kingdom's glory and for Your

Majesty's happiness and good fortune, from the shadows beneath this nation's grass

and leaves. Now... I am sorry." With those words, Georg downed the contents of the

bottle in a single gulp.

With time his body began to tilt to one side, then the bottle fell from his hand to

shatter on the ground.

With the thud that followed, the dungeon was silent once more. Having fallen

over to the side... Georg's face seemed to be smiling in satisfaction.

I stood, turning my back to Georg's cell, and walked away.

Step, step, step, step. A few echoing steps later, I turned back just once. "...Don't

make me carry all of this burden."

I faced forward and began to walk once more. I didn't turn back again.

The next day, Chris Tachyon's new program ran a story with the title "Former

General of the Army Georg Carmine Takes His Own Life in Prison."