Chapter 7: Promise (last part)

When I said that to Aisha, though...

"Leave it to me! Even if I become your wife, I will always protect you, sire!" Aisha

declared with a broad smile, so I ended up letting her keep it.

For me, I knew Aisha was tough, so I figured it was all good, but the previouslyelated Marx was immediately holding his head in his hands. I wanted to put the

Second Primary Queen he had finally managed to get into a position that was

synonymous with danger. I had to feel bad for the guy, only having new things to

worry about.

Juna watched all of this with a slightly lonely smile on her face, but none of us

realized it at the time.

...Juna. You...

With the exception of Excel.

With the very eventful reward for Wodan out of the way, it was finally Juna's


I offered her some words of commendation, then asked, "Is there anything you

want of me?"

Of course, I knew what Juna's response would be. She would likely ask that all of

her achievements be counted as her grandmother, Excel's. If Excel wanted to save

Castor and Carla, she needed to have as much merit to her name as possible. This

was the gentle Juna. I was sure she'd do it out of consideration for Excel.

Juna looked me straight in the eye and opened her mouth, "Your Majesty, I ask

that all of my..."

"May I have a word," Excel cut her off before she could finish speaking. "Forgive

my sudden interruption. I would like permission to speak."

"Hm? ...Granted," I said.

"Thank you." Excel bowed and began to speak slowly. "As you are aware, Your

Highness, Juna Doma is my granddaughter. However, Juna's father, my son, has been

married into the Doma family of merchants in Lagoon City. In other words, Juna is a


I had heard that when Juna had disclosed her ties to Excel to me. However, why

was she bringing up Juna's low status now?

Excel continued. "I gave her a rank in the military because she is my

granddaughter, but that doesn't change the fact that Juna is the child of a common

family. She has no connection to the doings of any noble house."

"...What are you getting at, Duchess?" I asked.

Excel turned not to me, but to Juna. "I am sure you mean to use your

achievements for my benefit, but that will not be necessary."

"But, Grandmother..."

Excel silently shook her head. "It's fine. You have nothing to do with the House of

Vargas You mustn't use your achievements for people you've never met. Use them

for your own sake."


"I can't sacrifice my granddaughter's happiness for the sake of my son-in-law and

my other granddaughter," said Excel. "You don't have to worry about us. You should

have your own wish granted."

As Excel turned her gentle gaze on her, Juna lowered her eyes and seemed to

struggle internally for a moment. When she finally raised her eyes, she stepped

forward and kneeled.

"Your Majesty. I have a request."

"...What might that be?" I asked.

"If it is at all possible, then like Aisha... I wish to continue singing at your side."

Could she mean... No, there was no doubt about it, Juna meant for me to take her

as my bride, too.

"Sire," Marx said gleefully, "if you take Juna Doma, it will be as a secondary queen.

If you wish to take her as a primary queen, you will need to have her adopted into a

noble or knightly family first."

He must have been more than happy to have another candidate for the position

of queen appear. When I looked to Liscia, she nodded, accepting it.


"I'm sorry, that's not possible." I gave a clear refusal.

Liscia's eyes went wide, while Excel asked "Why...?" looking at me pleadingly.

Juna continued to look down at the floor, so I couldn't see her face.

The air in the room grew heavy, but... I hoped they'd wait to hear everything I

had to say.

"I can't do that now," I said. "You're the central pillar of Project Lorelei, the

project to create a music program using the Jewel Voice Broadcast. You are the

Prima Lorelei. You're popular with the people, too. What do you think would happen

if I announced you and I were getting engaged? There'd be riots."

When I said it that way, everyone seemed satisfied with that explanation. It was

fresh in their memories that the Congress of the People had sent petitions saying,

"Show more of Juna on the Jewel Voice Broadcast."

It was common for flame wars to break out on an idol's blog if she was

discovered to have a lover in my old world, but in the current situation, I worried

Parnam itself might get torched. The Kingdom would be burning with jealousy...

Yeah, not a funny joke.

That was why I said, "Could you wait, just for a little while?"

Juna gasped.

When Juna raised her face, I thought, Well, this is awkward, as I told her, "I need

your strength as the Prima Lorelei for producing our broadcast programs. That's

why, for now, I'm asking you to stay the people's songstress. When more

songstresses have gathered, and we have trained enough people that can keep the

program on course, I swear, I will take you then."

When I said that, Juna rubbed the tears from her eyes. "I'll wait longingly for that

day, sire."

When she spoke those words, she wore the smile of a pure, innocent young girl.

[MISTERLP]: how cute she is