Chapter 4: The Saint Comes (F)

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A few more days after that...

The royal castle in the Kingdom of Friedonia announced that all faiths and

religions were to be registered with the state, and that all religions that received

recognition in this way would be considered state religions. In other words, the

meaning of a state religion in the kingdom was changed to be the same as a religious


King Souma appeared on the Jewel Voice Broadcast for the first time in a while to

address his people.

"In this country, up until now, every person, every family, and every race has

worshiped whatever gods they pleased," he announced. "In addition to the faiths

with the most believers, those being Mother Dragon worship and Lunarian

Orthodoxy, the dark elves worship the godbeast said to protect the God-Protected

Forest, and there are those who worship sea and mountain gods, as well. We all

come from different races and have grown up in different environments, so it's very

natural that things have turned out this way."

The people who lived in inland cities, in mountain villages, and in seaside towns

all nodded in agreement with his words. They lived in different places, so it was a

given that the things they feared and the things they worshiped would be different.

The image of Souma continued speaking to the people of his country.

"This is a multi-racial state. In our country, the customs of many different groups

have melted and mixed together, creating new forms of culture every day. I believe

faith should be the same way. What this kingdom needs isn't unity under one god. I

think it's the harmony that comes from recognizing the freedom of individuals to

choose what they want to believe in. Just as you have beings in which you believe, so

do others. I would like for all of you to accept that, and to please be tolerant. If you

are, I am sure that others will be tolerant of your beliefs, as well."

The people only half-believed what Souma said.

In this country where the media had not yet developed, they had limited

knowledge of other religions. Basically, they had no idea what was taught in the

churches of other faiths. That was why they were doubtful. Suspicion gave birth to

ogres in dark places and turned dried pampas grass into ghosts.

Even if a group were simple mountain worshipers, those who were suspicious of

them might think they were a secretive evil organization. Souma was well aware of


"What do we need in order to cultivate that tolerance?" Souma asked. "Mutual

understanding. No matter how I tell you to be tolerant of other faiths, we can't

accept evil religions that do things like sacrifice virgins in order to summon devils. I

won't ask you to be tolerant of such religions. However, I'm sure it's hard to tell if

another person's religion is good or evil from the outside."

Here Souma paused, and stressed: "And that's why we're nationalizing religion."

He continued, "I want the representatives of each faith-based organization to

register their religion with the country. If you pass the examination, your religion

will be recognized as a state religion, subject to further investigations once every

few years.

"The examination process is simple. You need only pledge not to engage in illegal

activities such as killing, robbing others of their possessions, or engaging in sexual

violence in the name of your religion.

"Harming people is generally against the rules, too, but some religions out there

might engage in self-harm. For questions about the specific details, such as whether

giving someone a tattoo constitutes harm, please consult your local authorities. I've

provided them with specific guidelines, such as accepting things when people ask for

it on their own, but forbidding things when they are forced on people who don't

want them, so please follow their directions.

"If any religion can't make this pledge, or refuses to register, they will be dealt

with by the authorities, so please be aware of that. Our people would have trouble

sleeping at night if people who follow such dangerous beliefs were allowed to live

near them, I'm sure. I want you to understand this."

With all of that said, Souma took a deep breath. Then he continued on, as if

speaking to each of his people personally.

"Finally, I believe that faith is something that exists for the living, not the dead. In

order not to drag our sadness with us, to live through the pains of our daily lives,

and to live our lives as good people, we should have faith. I pray that no person will

be harmed by that faith."

I pray that no person will be harmed by that faith.

This was the thing that Souma most wanted to say.

Ever since the Demon Lord's Domain had appeared, the people had had no end of

things to worry about. In times like this, religion became more active as the people's

hearts relied on it for support, and when religion grew more active, conflicts

between different religions and sects arose. The people's support would turn into

something that hurt them.

There might not have been many people in the kingdom who fully understood

that. However, his words would stick in their ears.

As if trying to change the mood, Souma clapped his hands. "Well, that's enough

serious talk. Now that every religion that registers will be becoming a state religion,

we have a little event planned. Roroa will explain."

"Righty-o! Just you leave it to me!" Roroa exclaimed.

When Souma stepped aside, an adorable girl with her hair tied back in two tails

came to stand beside him.

"Howdy-do, I'm the former Princess of Amidonia and Souma's third fiancée,

Roroa. How's everyone in the Kingdom of Friedonia doin' out there?"

Witnessing her inexhaustible supply of cheer, the people of Elfrieden were

dumbfounded, while the people of Amidonia smiled wryly and said, "That's just like

our princess." The serious atmosphere that had been building up until that point

vanished as if it had all been a lie, and it had never been there to begin with. Even

King Souma was stunned.

"...That's the tone you're doing this in, Roroa?" Souma asked.

"It's fine, darlin'," Roroa said confidently. "Since I'm on Juna's Together With Big

Sis, the people already know what kind of character I am."

"I thought that casting choice was pretty forced, though..."

Souma slumped his exhausted shoulders. He seemed less like her fiancé and

more like a big brother being run ragged by his little sister; but the people of the

kingdom felt at ease watching them.

Then Roroa turned toward the screen, put her hands on her hips, and said, "Now,

we're gonna be makin' all of the religions that register with us into state religions,

but I've got a li'l request for ya all when you're registerin'. If any of you have

interestin' festivals for your gods, be sure to tell us, would ya? In Darlin's world, I

hear that some religious events have been turned into national festivals, and

believers and non-believers alike enjoy 'em together. Why don't we have ourselves a

real good time doin' that in this country, too?"

Roroa threw her arms up and the people cheered. It seemed that even if they

didn't understand what she was saying, they had reacted to the word "festival." They

were excited that something fun was going to happen.

Incidentally, right after that, Roroa whispered, "Besides, if we make a festival of

it, that'll get the money movin', and that'd just tickle me pink," but her voice was low

enough that it only made Souma who was beside her smile wryly.

Roroa winked at the screen. "Well, since I'm sure just talkin' about it isn't givin'

ya all a good sense of what I mean, I probably oughta give ya a concrete example. So,

Old Man Souji, come over here and explain for the people."

"Oh, come on, Little Miss Roroa, calling me an old man is a bit much..." The one

who appeared saying that was a human man, about forty years old, with a muscular

body. He spoke with a wry tone, rubbing his smooth head which was as tanned as

the rest of his body. "I'm still a Lunarian Orthodox bishop, you know."

Now that he mentioned it, the man was wearing the uniform (?) of a Lunarian

Orthodox priest. That (?) is there because he wore it loosely... Too loosely in fact, and

it had been modified to an almost scandalous degree. The long sleeves were cut

short, and his pants and ceremonial robe only went down to just below the knees.

When this fit and tanned man wore the outfit, it looked like a samue, an outfit that

Japanese Zen Buddhist monks wore while engaged in simple physical work.

Roroa voiced an objection. "An old man's an old man. Besides, I think it's a bit

much for you to be callin' the soon-to-be third primary queen 'little miss.'"

Those were fighting words, and the man responded in kind. "Don't add in the

octopus part! Now listen here, little missie, you're going to be a married woman

soon, so you'd better develop at least one kind of overflowing sexiness."

"Wh-What was that?! Just you watch..." Roroa suddenly struck a pose and tried to

moan erotically, but the man just chuckled.

The fact that he had laughed at the best sexy pose (?) she could manage sent

Roroa into angry mode, and Souma had to hurriedly pin her arms behind her back.

"Let go of me, darlin'!" she shouted. "I can't boil that octopus like this!"

"Calm down, Roroa. I thought you were cute," Souma said and patted her on the


Roroa's head spun to look at him. "...Ya mean it?"

"Sure, you were real cute."

"Hm... Well, I'll forgive him, then."

That's all it took?! thought the people watching. These people weren't familiar

with husband and wife manzai comedy routines, so they didn't know exactly what

they were being shown, but they were relieved that everything had been resolved


Souma smiled wryly and said to the man in the customized priest's uniform,

"Now then, Sir Souji, if you could handle the rest of the explanation."

"Understood, King Souma."

With that said, the man took one step forward.

"Greetings to you, people of Friedonia. I am the bishop who has been sent by the

Orthodox Papal State of Lunaria to organize the faithful in this country: Souji Lester."