Chapter 5: The Commandment-breaking Bishop, Souji Lester (3)

ee. They've thought this out well, Souji thought.

"Was this the king's plan? Or the prime minister's?" he asked.

"It was the prime minister's plan to invite you, Sir Souji."

"I see. They're both crafty... No, they're total fraudsters, aren't they?"

Souji crossed his arms and thought about it.

It's true, there's probably no one out there who fits their criteria better than I do. I

hear rumors Cardinal Gold will finally be getting expelled soon, too. If that greedy

cardinal goes down, I just know the court of inquiry will take that as their cue to

censure me. When that happens, it'll be time to pay the piper. So it's not a bad time for

me to be getting out of the country... Still, though...

Souji had one concern. "What happens if I refuse?"

"I find this hard to say, but it would be unwise," Inugami said. "We have already

had the saint communicate our desire to take custody of you to the upper echelons

of the Orthodox Papal State. I am sure those in charge here will have no desire to see

you placed as the representative of Lunarian Orthodoxy for all who live in the

kingdom, so..."

"...I'm in danger, then." Souji sighed at Inugami's observation. "Well, shoot. I never

had a choice to begin with, did I?"

"I am sorry," Inugami said. "However, if you will agree to it, we will escort you

safely to the kingdom, ensuring you are not harmed in the slightest."

"That's not the problem..." Souji scratched hard at the back of his bald head. After

thinking for a while, he looked Inugami straight in the eye as if he had made a

decision, then asked him something. "I seem to recall you saying King Souma is crazy

about collecting talented personnel, right?"

"I would have to take issue with you calling him crazy," Inugami told him. "Is it

not the natural duty of any ruler to search far and wide for excellent personnel to

serve under them?"

"Ohhh, sorry if I offended you there. I didn't mean to insult your king. It's just... I

wanted to check if King Souma will really hire excellent personnel. No matter who

that person happens to be, if they have some gift, will he put it to good use?"

When Souji asked him this with a seriousness that seemed unlike him based on

their interaction up until this point, Inugami thought about it as he answered.

"Well... this is only my personal view, but I do believe His Majesty makes his

decisions based on whether the person does or does not have some gift. He is not

fixated on race, age, gender, history, or physical appearance, and looks to draw

talent from a wide range of people."

"Really? Would that hold true even for someone declared a 'witch' by Lunarian


"A witch?" Inugami repeated the ominous-sounding word with a questioning


The door suddenly flew open. When Inugami turned around, there stood a

woman wearing a brightly colored cloth draped over her head.

Wearing plain clothes with a beautiful cloth draped over one's head was the

mark of a prostitute in this country. It had started with prostitutes covering their

faces with cloth to prevent them from being seen as they entered a man's home, but

once vanity had been added into the mix, they'd begun wearing more vibrant pieces

of cloth.

When the woman who came in noticed Inugami's presence, she said, "You were

in the middle of talking, I see. I apologize for my rudeness."

She bowed her head, then went to leave at once.

Souji stopped her before she could go. "Hold on, Merula. You don't need to worry

about this guy. He's fine."

The woman stopped, then slowly turned. "...Is he really?"

"Yeah. If anything, he's on the side of people fighting this country."

The prostitute looked taken aback. "You're supposed to be a bishop of this

country, Souji..."

Why are you drinking with a man like that? the woman seemed to say as she

slumped her shoulders. Then she walked over to the table and sat down in an empty

chair. While Inugami was still confused, she took off her cloth. When she did...

"Wha?!" Inugami shouted.

From beneath the cloth appeared a beautiful twenty-something woman with

white skin so pale as to be translucent, golden hair, and pointed ears.

Those pointed ears were the mark of an elf. In addition to them, there was

another thing that stood out about her: Her eyes were ruby red.

"A high elf... No, it can't be! Is she really one?" Inugami gasped.

Deep crimson eyes were characteristic of the high elves. Elves and dark elves had

a dislike for contact with other races, but in multi-racial states like the Kingdom of

Friedonia, there were individuals who lived mixed in with the other races. Some of

those individuals even married members of other races and had children. Souma's

chamberlain Marx was a half-elf who'd been born to parents who were a light elf and

a human.

However, high elves were even more extreme in their hatred for having contact

with other races. Because of that, the high elves were only found in their own

country, the Spirit Kingdom of Garlan, which was situated on two islands, one large

and one small, to the northwest of the continent, and which other races were barred

from entering.

The high elves also engaged in their own unique form of spirit worship, which

made them the ones who had the least to do with a theocracy like the Orthodox

Papal State of Lunaria.

That was exactly what made Inugami so shocked. He couldn't believe that here, in

a country that was the center of a different faith, he was seeing a high elf dressed in

the guise of a prostitute.

When he saw Inugami at a loss for words, Souji smiled wryly and plopped his

hand down on top of the high elf's head. "Allow me to introduce her. This is Merula

Merlin. As you've already noticed, she's a high elf. I know she doesn't look it, but

she's an old woman who's lived twice as long as me, so be careful."

"How rude," said Merula indignantly. "For a high elf, being one hundred years old

is the same as being just under twenty for a human, you know? In the Spirit

Kingdom, if I told people I was a hundred years old, they wouldn't treat me as

anything more than a kid."

She then began to converse naturally with Souji.

"Um... what sort of relationship do the two of you have?" the still-bewildered

Inugami managed to squeeze in.

Merula and Souji looked at one another.

"What are we...? Housemates, maybe?" Merula asked.

"No, no, I'm the owner of the house," said Souji. "I'm acting as your guardian here,


"Hold on! Who looks after whom here?! If I don't clean up after you, you leave

things everywhere!" Merula shouted.

"You're just too sensitive about that stuff!"

The two of them launched into something like a fight between a middle-aged


Inugami squeezed his temples, then sought an explanation. "Um, could I ask you

start from the beginning... and explain what a high elf like Madam Merula is doing


"Hm? Oh, sorry, sorry." When Souji calmed down, he crossed his arms and looked

to Merula. "Do you mind if I explain?"

"Hm... Please do."

And so, with Merula's permission, Souji began to tell her story.

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Merula the high elf had been born around one hundred years ago in the country

of the high elves, the Spirit Kingdom of Garlan. The Demon Lord's Domain hadn't

appeared yet at the time, so the high elves had defended the two islands that made

up their Spirit Kingdom of Garlan, one big and one small, and lived without contact

with the other races.

Despite being one of those high elves who were exclusionary and had no interest

in the outside world, Merula had been a bundle of curiosity. From a young age, she

had taken an interest in anything that caught her eye, and gone around asking adults

what things were. When she grew old enough to think for herself, and started to see

that the adults would lie to cover it up when they didn't know something, she started

wanting to go and find the truth on her own. And so, she spent twenty years

studying various things.

Around the time she became a fully-fledged researcher, she ran into a great


What were the spirits that the high elves worshiped?

The high elves thought of themselves as a race loved by the spirits. The proof of

that, they said, was in the powerful magic that the high elves were able to use.

The high elves were all able to use powerful magics that only those called mages

among the other races could, and they did it as if it were no big deal. This was proof

that the spirits were always at the high elves' sides, lending them their power... or so

their reasoning went.

Merula had her doubts about their spirit worship.

It's true, high elves can use powerful magic, she thought. But is that really because

of spirits? How can we believe in things like spirits that we can't see?

There were those who claimed they had seen spirits. However, their stories were

all utter nonsense, on the level of, "I saw my dead grandparents standing at my


Besides which, living in a country that forbade the entry of all but high elves,

even if the high elves could use powerful magic, how could they say for certain that

the spirits only bestowed their blessings on the high elves?

It might be possible that the spirits would give their blessing to members of other

races. On the other hand, what if a high elf left the islands? If the spirits would

always be at their side, even if they left the island, they ought to be able to use

powerful magic.

Without ever testing that, the high elves just blindly believed that they were a

people beloved by the spirits, and Merula couldn't tolerate it. Her knowledge

couldn't be made complete on the islands alone. Only by going into the outside

world and absorbing knowledge from a variety of sources could she begin to

approach the truth.

Merula began to think that way, and on her fiftieth birthday, she left the islands.

Changing the color of her eyes with magic, she took on the guise of a light elf

adventurer, traveling from country to country and absorbing more knowledge.

There were things she figured out as part of that process, too.