Chapter 5: The Commandment-breaking Bishop, Souji Lester (5)

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"So, when I found her washed up downstream like some ragged piece of cloth, I

picked her up and took her under my protection," Souji finished. "I've been hiding

her ever since."

"...Murgh." Merula was hitting Souji in the back. It seemed she wasn't happy about

it, but the truth was that he had saved her, so she couldn't say anything.

Inugami tilted his head to the side. "You are supposed to be a Lunarian Orthodox

bishop, are you not? I find it surprising that you decided to help her."

"I just thought she was a random passed out person at the time, you see. I was

surprised a few days after I saved her when there were likenesses of her posted up

in town, and she was wanted as a 'witch,' though."

"Yet you still didn't turn her in to the church?"

"...Well, having already helped her, I couldn't change my mind and turn her in so

easily." With that said, Souji took a sip from his glass. "I mean, they say she brought

down an oracle with the Lunalith. In Lunarian Orthodoxy, we learn that only the

pope and a select few can bring down oracles. If word that a heathen high elf was

able to bring one down spread, it would be a massive blow to the church. They'd

stop being so special, after all. The loss of the church's authority would mean a

reduction in centralizing force in this country. That was why they named Merula a

witch and were so desperate to find her. In order to make her disappear."

"I see..." Inugami said.

"...I'm grateful to Souji." Though Merula had acted annoyed by him before, this

time she spoke sincerely. "I'm grateful to him for protecting a fugitive like me, and

for healing my wounds. Also, I can't thank him enough for sheltering me when I had

nowhere to go."

"Oh, hey," Souji put in. "You're being awfully meek now."

"It's how I truly feel. I want to do something to repay you, too. That's why, while

you're sheltering me here, I took it upon myself to do all the housework for you.

But!" Merula rose from her seat, pointing a finger at Souji. "You are far too messy! If

you would clean up after yourself a little better, you wouldn't spend so much time

searching for things!"

"You say that, but you're not much better yourself." Souji stood up, unyielding,

and looked down at Merula as he spoke. "I let you look after the house for a bit, and

the next thing I know, my wine cellar's been turned into some wacky experiment

site. I'm telling you, you can't just remodel a house without the owner's permission."

"I'm a researcher, so it had to be done. I paid for the materials out of my own

pocket, so what's the problem?"

"You mean the money you got from making me sell off accessories that you said

you'd brought with you from your homeland? It was really hard making sure those

wouldn't be traced back to us. Honestly." Maybe Souji had just remembered all of the

hassle involved, because he started scratching the back of his head.

Which of them was really the guardian here...? It was hard to tell the balance of

power between this couple.

Souji said, "Honestly now..." and sat down in his seat with a bang. "As you can see,

I can't go to the kingdom until I figure out what I'm gonna do about her."

"Huh, wait?! What's this about going to the kingdom?!"

Inugami explained to Merula about how they wanted to invite Souji to become

the Kingdom of Friedonia's bishop as a countermeasure against the Orthodox Papal


Hearing that explanation, Merula thought for a moment, and then nodded as if

she had come to a decision. She turned to Souji and said, "What a perfect

opportunity. I want to go to the Kingdom of Friedonia, too."

"Oh, come on, are you sure? You really want to decide on it that easily?"

"If you leave, I'll have nowhere to stay in this country," said Merula. "That being

the case, I want to leave for the kingdom with you while I'm still safe. I've already

investigated most of what I can in this country, so I'd say now isn't a bad time to take

my research to a new frontier."

With that said, Merula looked him straight in the eye.

"What do you say, Mr. Inugami? Do you think the king you serve would take in a

woman who's wanted as a 'witch' by the Orthodox Papal State?"

If, by some chance, the Orthodox Papal State managed to discover she was in the

kingdom, it might lead to thorny diplomatic issues. Merula was asking if he would

accept her with full knowledge of that risk.

If she were turned over to the Orthodox Papal State later, her life would be

forfeit. If she couldn't get a promise that that wouldn't happen, she couldn't go to the


Inugami understood how serious she was, so he carefully considered the

question before answering. "...Well, let's see. His Majesty is always saying, 'If they

have a gift, I will put it to use.' I am sure he would give a warm welcome to someone

who has as broad a base of knowledge as you."

This was Souma, the guy who could be said to be crazy for collecting talented

personnel. Even if it meant some political risk, he wasn't likely to hesitate in

employing a person as well learned as Merula.

"Just to be sure, I will send you with a letter recommending you to the castle

signed by Master Kagetora and myself," finished Inugami.

"...That decides it," said Merula. "Let's go, Souji.

With Merula urging him onward, all Souji could do was smile wryly. "Honestly,

there you go, deciding something this important for me..." Though Souji didn't seem

to mind it that much. "Well, even if I stay in this country, it's a bit too stifling for a

guy like me. I don't have any choice, so I guess I'll go impose on this king of yours."

Even as he acted like he was being forced into it, he easily agreed to go to the

Kingdom of Friedonia. Thus did the Kingdom add two new talented members to its


Souji Lester, the Commandment-breaking Bishop of the Orthodox Papal State of

Lunaria; and the high elf researcher, Merula Merlin. What impact might these two

joining the kingdom have on its future?

No one could have known at this point, though perhaps the Lunalith did.

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Flashback finished. Let's get back to the present.

Having joined the Kingdom in the way described, on this day, Bishop Souji Lester

appeared before the People of Friedonia for the first time via the Jewel Voice


Souma had only just finished announcing that every religion that registered

would be recognized as a state religion. With the bishop of a monotheistic religion

like Lunarian Orthodoxy coming on directly after him, followers of all religions,

including the Orthodoxy, were waiting with bated breath to see what he would say

and do.

However, as if to say he didn't care one whit about their anticipation, Souji briefly

introduced himself and then began talking in an easygoing tone. "Now then... King

Souma was saying he would recognize any religion that registers as a state religion,

but, by some luck, our Lunarian Orthodoxy have been allowed to become a state

religion ahead of the rest. It seems like Mother Dragon worship has been, too, and

godbeast worship practiced by the dark elves of the God-Protected Forest was also

registered by the second primary queen, Madam Aisha. For the rest of you people

out there in the other religions and sects, you should hurry up and register yours


The citizens were by and large bewildered by the easygoing way that Souji spoke.

The believers of Lunarian Orthodoxy were especially surprised. That was because

their bishop, the head of the believers in the Kingdom of Friedonia, was speaking in

a way that recognized other religions.

Due to the nature of the kingdom as a multi-racial state, the vast majority of

believers in the kingdom were moderates who abhorred causing friction with the

other races. Even so, they still were hesitant to actively get involved with the

followers of other religions. However, the way Souji was talking now removed that


Ohh. I guess it's fine for us to get along...

The believers had a look on their face as if they had been freed from something

that had been possessing them.

Souji continued.

"Also, Young Miss Roroa was asking if we had any sort of religious events. I'm

sure our believers all know this already, but it's almost time for the Spring

Announcement Festival."

The Spring Announcement Festival was the biggest spring event for Lunarian

Orthodoxy. It was a festival to celebrate the end of winter and the coming of the

season when the flowers would bloom.

During this festival, the children of the believers would dress up as fairies and

walk around with baskets of picked flowers giving them to the adults. In other

words, the children became "envoys of spring." Then the adults would give those

envoys of spring candy in exchange for the flowers, and they would pray for a

bountiful harvest that year.

And, well, it was a festival that felt basically like a spring version of Halloween.

"Now, about the Spring Announcement Festival... I have happy news," said Souji.

"Young Miss Roroa has agreed to recognize it as a national event. This may seem

sudden, but it will be held next weekend. Towns and cities with Lunarian Orthodox

churches should already have been notified. Everyone is free to participate. Whether

they are a believer or not, every child will be receiving candy. We'd like for the

adults who belong to other faiths to help out, too, if they can. If a child comes to you,

take their flower and give them candy, that's all. Simple, right? I think it'll be a fun

festival for adults, too, so please take an active part in it."

The crowd erupted into applause at Souji's words. It seemed that it sounded like

fun to them.

In the time since Souma created broadcast programs, a tendency to enjoy these

sorts of events had taken root in the people of the kingdom. When the day came,

many of them would surely be there to enjoy the festival.

Souji said, "Thank you for listening," stepped back, and Roroa stepped forward

once again.

"This time we're doin' a Lunarian Orthodox festival, but if any of you out there

involved with the other religions've got some interestin' festival to share, just you let

us know. We're gonna give this country some color with events from all sorts of

religions. I'm thinkin' it'll be wonderful. Let's liven this country up, believers and

non-believers alike!"

When Roroa raised her fist in the air, the people cheered.

"Now, let the preparations for the festival begin!"