Side Story 2: Nameless Heroes(2)


Mattis was hooked by that into bowing himself.

When Juna raised her head, she turned to the Jewel Voice Broadcast

jewel and said, "Now then, we will have a reenactment of the time when

Mattis met His Majesty, King Souma, and then close out this program."

When Juna said that, the screen faded to black again.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Good work, Big Sister Juna," said Roroa.

When the broadcast was finished, Juna said her goodbyes to Mattis,

then headed off stage to a spot where the broadcast jewel wouldn't show

her. She was greeted there by a smiling Roroa.

Juna returned the smile with one of her own. "Thank you, Roroa. How

was I?"

"Ya did good. It's a cryin' shame we couldn't let Darlin' and Big Sister

Cia see it."

Souma and Liscia had currently left for the Star Dragon Mountain

Range with Naden. They were apparently going to confront a "storm" that

was about to hit the Star Dragon Mountain Range.

Roroa and Juna were worried about Souma and the rest, of course, but

these two who had been left behind in the kingdom had their own things to

do, and they would hold down the fort while Souma and the rest were

away. This program that she embarked on in that spirit had turned out to

Juna's satisfaction.

It seemed Roroa was disappointed about one thing, though. "Oh, but

the guy playin' Darlin' who came out at the end? I wasn't so keen on


Roroa was talking about the "Souma" who appeared in the final

reenactment scene, calling out Mattis and his team to shake their hands

one by one, and to praise them for developing a mass-producible shockabsorbing material.

Roroa crossed her arms and said, "That actor, he was wearin' a crown,

he had a fancy cape on, and he was holdin' a scepter in his gloved hands,

ya know? I ain't never seen Darlin' in a getup like that."

"That was, well... to make it easy to understand."

The coronation ceremony had yet to happen, so the former king Albert

was still holding onto the crown, and Souma didn't like capes and scepters.

That said, if the actor had worn Souma's usual casual outfit of a shirt and

pants, it would be hard to think of it as a scene about an audience with a


"Ya got a point," Roroa said with a laugh. "Still, this Nameless Heroes

program's lookin' mighty popular."

"I think, for the common people, it must be easier to identify with a

highly capable craftsman like Sir Mattis than it is to identify with a true

genius like Madam Genia," said Juna.

Normal people had an easier time empathizing with those who came by

their gifts through hard work, rather than those who had natural talent.

"Well, I think it's a good thing," said Roroa. "When ya look at Darlin's

policies, it feels like they were all made possible by a small group of

geniuses, but the public should know there're actually these sorts of

'Nameless Heroes' workin' behind the scenes, too."

"Yes. I think you're absolutely right."

I hope the people get it, they both thought, looking at one another with

a smile.