Juna and Roroa Demand Answers


This happened the night that I temporarily returned from the Star

Dragon Mountain Range to the Kingdom of Friedonia to consult with the

others on whether to form a dragon knight contract, which was essentially

an engagement, with Naden.

When I introduced Naden to Liscia, Juna, and Roroa, the ones who had

remained in the kingdom, Liscia took Naden away (for some reason, she

said they'd be taking a bath together), and I found myself being pulled

away, with Roroa and Juna each holding one arm, and dragged to Roroa's


Roroa's room was filled with lots of girlish little things.

They sat me down in a chair in that room, and Roroa sat down across

from me at a small table. Juna wore a broad smile as she stood at Roroa's


Wh-What was this...? The way things were set up, was this an

interrogation room or something?

"Com on now, darlin'. Out with it." Roroa folded her hands together in

front of her mouth as she said that.

"O-Out with... what exactly?" I asked hesitantly.

"I've gotta mean everythin' about Naden, obviously. It's only been

about half a month since ya left for the Star Dragon Mountain Range,

y'know. What's got her so fond of ya in such a short time?"

"That had caught my attention, too. Oh, have some tea," Juna said,

proffering a cup of black tea that she had prepared at some point. "I sensed

she had a strong desire to be married to you. You two only met just

recently, didn't you? Just what was it that made that time so rich?"

"Rich? I was just doing normal stuff, really..."

""Tell us more.""


The two pressed me, so I gave up and told them about Naden.

About how Naden had been the only ryuu in the land of dragons, and

she had seemed isolated because she'd looked different from those around


How I'd happened to know what ryuus were, and when I'd told Naden

that she was one, she had looked like a great weight was lifted from her


How we'd watched an Imperial-made Jewel Voice Broadcast in her

room, read romance novels, and lazed around.

How I'd stepped in when a red dragon called Ruby had been picking a

fight with her.

How I had been able to teach her to fly...

And so on, and so forth. They asked questions and picked over every

little detail of the time I'd spent with her.

Having heard all I had to say, Roroa's cheeks were bright red. "What's

with that lovely meetin'? Darlin', you're basically a prince on a white


"I wasn't riding on any white horse, though," I said. "I had a dragon

carry me to the Star Dragon Mountain Range in her mouth."

"Who cares if ya were actually ridin' one! Ya appeared before a young

gal in distress and fixed her problems right quick. That's more than any

girl can ask for!"

Wait, was Roroa really the one to say it'd been a contrived meeting?

But it was true that it felt like we were dancing in the palm of Mother

Dragon's hand.

"I agree with Roroa."

Even you, Juna?

"Hearing your story, I felt like I could understand how you became a

special person to Naden. I would say you're already a person she can't do

without. That must by why she so strongly wants to be together with you."

"Everythin' was dramatic, down to the way you met." Roroa was

nodding in agreement.

But no. "If we're just talking about how we met, wasn't the way I met

both of you plenty dramatic?" I asked. "Juna, you were a spy sent by

Excel, and Roroa, you came to me with your country in tow, right? Heck,

you even came wrapped in a carpet, and surprised me with a dun-da-dadun."

"I directed that myself. I'm jealous of Nadie, who got a dramatic

meetin' without havin' to do anythin' other than be herself."

"That's right," Juna said. "Meeting you as a spy leaves a bad

impression, too..."

Roroa got up from her chair and turned to look away from me, while

Juna looked a little dejected. Their individual reactions... felt really cute,


I rose from my chair and hugged both of them together. "Without the

two of you, I'm sure I wouldn't be here doing any of this. Juna, you

brought me my ties to Excel. Roroa, you soothed the hearts of the people

of the principality. Of course, the same thing goes for my meetings with

Liscia and Aisha. No matter how we met, if any one of you had been

missing, I couldn't have built a present as good as the one we have now."



I gave Roroa and Juna a big smile. "It's thanks to all of you that I'm

somehow managing to get by as king. I'm grateful."

"Hee hee! You're too kind," Juna giggled.

"Ha ha ha! If ya wanna say that, I'm certainly not gonna complain."

The two of them smiled. While I was feeling relieved...

"But still, darlin'. I'm thinkin' you oughta show some more

appreciation," Roroa went and said.

Huh? Show it?

Roroa grabbed my arm and started swinging it around. "So, with that

bein' the case, Darlin's sleepin' in my bed today."

"Ro-Roroa?!" Juna's eyes went wide.

"How does that follow?!" I exclaimed.

"I can't have you go layin' a hand on me yet 'cause of the whole

succession issue, but if ya keep your hands to yourself, it oughta be fine,

right? I've heard ya already slept next to Bid Sister Cia and Big Sister Ai,

so why don'tcha sleep with me and Juna, too?"

"Oh, if that's all... I'll go get the pillows." Juna, seemingly satisfied

with that explanation, left the room.

Huh? This was already decided?

"Ha ha ha! I'm gonna be dreamin' sweet dreams tonight," Roroa


"...Okay, I get it," I said.

And so, that day, the three of us slept together.

Roroa was more clingy than necessary, and Juna's wonderful scent

made me feel a little lightheaded, but I felt tired from moving, so I quickly

fell asleep.

As for what I dreamed... that's embarrassing, so I'd rather not say.