Chapter 16

  Jakes POV

   “Oh my goddess please help me. I’m in a hotel room I think I’m in crescent city…. Please find me” her soft voice laced with fear called out to me. 

   I had no idea how she was able to mind-link me but she did causing Hunter howl out in my head. Normally you could only mind link if you were part of the same pack or You could link with the person you were mated too once you had marked each other. Angel wasn’t part of my pack… not yet anyway and we definitely hadn’t marked each other. I figured it had to be one of the gifts that Selena told me she would have.

   “Crescent City we have to go there now, Benson I need you to gather half a dozen of our warriors get them ready we leave in…”

   “Excuse me Alpha Jake if I may before you give the order but we need a plan before rushing in there. The last think we need is to go rushing in there earning casualties. You need to remember your mate is in there” Carl interrupted me but he was right.