Chapter 67

  Ariel POV

  The last few days had been a total blur. Ever since my refusal to join my mum and her mate Lord Vladamir in the high ranks of the vampire community, they had been trying to break me. That wasn’t something I or Jade would let happen. We were both completely opposed to being a filthy blood sucker and I would made sure they bloody well knew it. 

  Sebastian had come into my room for the fourth time today and having had enough of his taunting, Jade took control and we shifted. We decided that being in wolf form would make it a damn site harder for them to do anything. How wrong were we. Sebastian came back a short while later with three other men and Marie. After having put up a fight they managed to subdue me and injected us with what I knew was wolfsbane. There was no mistaking the soaring pain of the wolfsbane as it spread throughout my bloodstream causing pain, we were all too familiar with making us pass out as the pain gradually became too much.