Chapter 69

  Angels POV

  Pregnant how the hell could I possibly be pregnant and how could Jake know before me.

  “Well, when a man and a woman have intercourse and the man releases…” Star was laughing away as she took the micky out of me.

  “Shut up Star I’m not an idiot. Obviously, I know how you get pregnant, but I don’t get how I can be. I take the pill. I didn’t want to have a pup until after all this shit was behind us”

  “Well obviously a much greater plan is in the works for us so suck it up and get over it”

  “Star did you know. You don’t seem very shocked” I asked knowing she had a tendency to keep secrets from me at times.

  “I did yes. So did Hunter. But Selena told us we couldn’t say anything. It was something you had to figure out on your own, had we said anything to you there would have been repercussions”

  Before I had a chance to scream at my wolf, Sid opened my bedroom door closing it behind him and locking it.