Chapter 72

  Jake’s POV 

  “Urgh, I need to get out. STOP THE CAR” Angel shouted at Benson who was driving.

  “Alright hold on let me pull up. Just try and hold it in for a second the motors just been cleaned” he replied earning himself a growl.

  With the blink of an eye Angel was out of the car and puking on the hard shoulder. The last few days she had been really struggling with morning sickness which was a stupid thing to call it being as it affected her all day and night. The only thing she seemed to be able to keep down was bacon, no bread no sauce not grilled but greasy fried bacon.

  “Babe are you ok?” I asked calmly as I got out the front passenger side, knowing when she was like this, she tended to snap I kept a safe distance to which Hunter was rolling around in laughter at in my head, it wasn’t every day that an Alpha was scared to approach their Luna.