Chapter Two | Day One

So... how exactly did I get into this position?

That's a very good question. I didn't want to go to the Winter Leaf, so this brought me here, hiding under my bed while hoping that they won't find me.

"Hey there, Omega!" I jumped out of my skin, noticing two large Alphas in front of me.

"Whoa! A real, actual male Omega!" They exchanged a glance. "They weren't kidding!"

I shrunk farther back under the bed for safety as they continued chatting. "Bro, I'm getting this one at the Winter Leaf!"

His friend gave him a sharp glare. "No way! This one is mine!"

They started growling at each other. I took this chance to run until I was violently picked up by my scruff.

"Where do you think you're going?" This Alpha was twice the size of the other two. Its coat was a thick black, its eyes gleamed. Its scent overpowered all other smells in the room.

The other Alphas trotted up to us and panted: "Sorry, sir, he was a bit tricky, he left before we could catch him!" He gave them a deep growl, dropping me on the floor and holding me against his chest so I couldn't run. "You guys had one job!" Their ears drooped down with guilt.

Pushing me towards them, he looked me right in the eye with a deep stare. "So, you're the famous Omega..." His wide smirk brought fear into my eyes. He nuzzled his snout against my scent gland, and I backed up quickly. "Why are you running, Omega? You smell so good."

I let out a low growl. "Leave me alone."

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

I looked up with a smirk. "Don't know, don't care."

I could see his eyes narrow in anger. "You watch it, Omega, or I might just claim you for myself and mate you right now!" Full of shock, I tucked my tail between my legs and flattened my ears to the side, submitting to the large Alpha in front of me.

"Grab the Omega and let's go. We're going to be late." I walked behind the other Alphas with a pained face.

I can't escape, can I? The large black Alpha led the way while the other two walked along my side so I wouldn't run.

When we arrived at the event gates, I crouched in fear, following close behind the Alphas. For once in my life, I was terrified. All eyes were on me. It's not every day you see an Omega be escorted by a lead Alpha and two others, especially since I just so happened to be the only male Omega at the event.

I glanced from side to side in panic. All the Alphas were sniffing my scent and panting with vicious need. Maybe if I crouch low enough, they won't see me.

"Stay put. Try not to get attacked." I glanced up at the lead alpha. "Come." He looked at the other two Alphas. They looked at me then back at him. "Now!" Feeling threatened, they flattened their ears and followed behind their leader. The safety that I once had was gone.

I glanced around quickly as soon as they were gone. I crouched as low to the ground while glancing around in fear.

"Aren't you something?"

I glared at the white furred alpha as they bickered.

"This one is definitely mine."

"It's actually a male Omega?"

"You will make wonderful pups."

Exactly as I thought. All these Alphas just wanted me for my pups. I tried to cover my ears as they yapped at each other with low growls.

"Move! Move!"

I know that voice. "Xaffo?" I looked up, shaking.

He glanced at me, then at the Alphas. "What the hell is going on here? George, why are there so many Alphas surrounding you?"

One of the Alphas smirked. "Oh, so your name is George? That's cute."

Xaffo glared at them as they barked their laughs. I didn't know what to say. It was now clear to Xaffo that I was- in fact- an Omega.

As I was trained onto Xaffo, I didn't notice an Alpha about to bite my scent gland in an attempt at claiming me. I jumped up in the air, bolting away from the Alphas. They took it as a challenge and chased after me. Luckily, I was small enough to use the crowds against them. I was panting loudly, trying to dodge all the Alphas. I was exhausted already.

After sprinting at my top speed as much as my legs could handle, my legs buckled, sending me careening into the ground. I glared up to see all the Alphas laughing. All that I could do was curl into a tight ball and hope they would all go away.

I heard a loud yowl causing me to jump up. In front of me was an Alpha, turned towards the others growling loudly at them. "Give him space!"

When no one listened, he snapped at the closest Alpha causing them to back up. "It is not claiming day! Keep your jaws clenched!"

They all glanced at each other, walking away to watch me from a distance.

I crouched back down, glaring at the Alpha fearfully. He was almost as big as the leader. His coat was a dark gray with white flecks on his flanks. He looked young and lanky, and his eyes held a quiet authority. "Are you okay?"

I laid down, panting loudly. They were finally gone, if only for a moment.

"You look tired. Do you need water?"

I just glared at the Alpha, noticing Xaffo trotting over to me.

"Oh my gosh, George! Are you okay? I couldn't keep up with you." He noticed the large Alpha, growling at him. "You Alphas don't know space, do you?" He looked at the Beta. He was holding back words and let out a huff before turning around and trotting away.

Finally I was alone. I laid my head down on the hard gravel.

"I'll get you some water." Xaffo quickly sprinted off.

All the Alphas' eyes were still trained on me, but didn't dare to approach.

Xaffo came trotting back with a water bottle and small bowl. Struggling for a moment, he dumped the water into the bowl and nudged it towards me. Thankfully, I lapped down the water.

"You're sure you're okay?"

I didn't want to speak, I just wanted to drink and sleep.

"Here, today's event is over. I'll take you to the hotel."

I nodded my head, following close behind Xaffo. That way I wouldn't get attacked.

I just wanted this all to be over....