Chapter Ten | Pre-Heat

~Clay's P.O.V~

I watched the Omega sleeping contently next to me. I didn't think that the Omega had any clue what he was going through right now. I watched the clock tentatively. It was my job as an Alpha to take care of him in this state. All the training my father gave me was finally coming into use. Sometimes I wanted to get up or wake the Omega next to me for company, but I was taught better.

My phone rang next to me. I answered it, relieved to hear Charlie's voice. "Hey buddy! How's it going?"

I rolled my eyes, snuggling closer to the cute, sleeping Omega. "It's good, just busy." I let out an exhausted sigh.

"Is the Omega tiring you out?" He laughed.

"My Omega," I corrected him with a growl.

He chuckled. "Sorry, Clay. Didn't mean to make you upset," he answered good-naturedly.

I rolled my eyes. I heard a slight grunt as the Omega changed his position to get more comfortable. I smiled at him sweetly.

"So... whatcha doing?" Charlie asked.

I could tell he wanted to do something, but hell if I'm going to move. "With my Omega, you?"

He gave out a sigh. "Oh, it's that time?"

I glanced over at George. "Yeah, he's different from the others."

"How many days?" Charlie asked curiously.

I let out a sigh. "Four days so far. He doesn't show any signs of waking up though. I can barely get him out of bed," I sighed, frowning.

I could hear the shock in Charlie's voice. "Is that healthy?"

"I don't think so." I adjusted myself. "It's supposed to last five days, but he just gets more and more difficult to wake every time I try."

Charlie's sympathetic reply snapped me out of my thoughts. "Maybe you should get him checked or something?" I knew he was probably right, but then I would have to explain what's happening to the Omega.

But... Did I really want to do that?

"You're probably right, but I don't think he's ever done this before."

"Going into Pre-Heat?"

"Mhm." I glanced at the time. "I have to go, Charlie, he needs to get up." We quickly said our goodbyes and I let out a grumble.

"George..." I hummed. The Omega didn't move a muscle. "Oh, George..."

After he didn't move, I gently walked around him, shifting. "George, time to get up." I said sweetly.


"George?" I shook him slightly. Still nothing. "George?" Anxiously, I grabbed his wrist, checked his pulse, then put my fingers to his neck and checked that pulse too. It was all normal. Concern made me shake. "George?"

No matter what I did, the Omega wouldn't wake up.

I'll just give him time, he'll wake up.

I waited impatiently before attempting to wake him again. "George? Come on, you have to wake up!" I whined.

I have to call someone. This isn't normal.


I pawed at the floor impatiently, watching the unknown Omega from afar. The glossy, golden coat of the doctor shined.

"Is he okay?" I asked, unwilling to wait any longer. She glared at me for a moment before bringing her attention back to my Omega. I rolled my eyes, frustrated and tired with concern.

"Clay, just listen, okay? I'm going to wake him up, but he will likely be very startled." I nodded my head.

"You just need to get him to eat and do anything else he needs to do. He'll try to go back to bed: don't let him." I listened closely to every word she said, not daring to daze off or forget. My Omega might depend on this.

She continued. "He won't listen to me, so it will all be up to you. We will only be able to keep him up for a short amount of time."

"How long will he be like this?" I asked the Omega, tilting my head.

"I can't be too sure. I haven't really seen anything like this. I'll give you a fair warning, though; he'll be terribly miserable during his heat. You'll have to be patient with him."

I nodded my head. I was very concerned about my Omega. "Alright."

She grabbed his paw, carefully sticking a needle slightly into his leg and injecting him.

As soon as the needle was removed, he jumped up panting and glancing around in a panic.

I took a couple of steps toward him. "George, calm down. It's okay."

Wide-eyed, he glared at the golden she-wolf, then tore his glance away and glared back at me. "Clay? What- what's going on?" He asked.

"George? How are you?" The Omega asked him, using a soft tone similar to one you would use for small pups. He sat down back on the bed. The adrenaline that he had diminished. "I'm okay... Who are you?"

She smiled at him. "I'm Delilah. I've heard quite a lot about you, George."

He gave me a sidelong glance. "Uh, why are you here?"

The omega changed, sitting next to him on the bed. "I specialize in the care of Omegas."

"Care of Omegas?" He repeated, tipping his head to one side.

She gave him a sweet smile. "Yes. You see, George, us Omegas have something called heat. You have heard of that right?"

He rolled his eyes, not liking the subject. "Yeah, but why does this have to do with you being here?"

"George, you're currently going through something called pre-heat. It takes place before your actual heat. It makes you very tired, hungry, and nesting of course."

Fear replaced his curiosity. Voice shaking, he snapped back: "Me? No, I'm not in pre-heat!"

The Omega knew exactly how to handle the situation. "George, I know you're probably scared but it's completely normal." I knew she was saying that, but what she wasn't saying was how much it was affecting my Omega.

"I don't want pups!" He cried out. The Omega nuzzled him. I held in a possessive growl. "Now, now, George," she hushed him. George bathed in the fellow Omega's comfort.

She pulled back with a warm smile. "Go take care of yourself, George. The best thing for you right now is to sleep."

He sniffled, looking over at me. I softly padded over to him, taking him in my jaw. He let out a sleepy sigh.

After I was done taking care of my Omega, I settled myself inside his neck before releasing him to sleep in my grasp. He went straight back to bed without another word...

My Omega....

I watched the clock intently, making sure not to miss a minute. It was nearly impossible to get the Omega up. If I wanted to get him up I had to give him a shot of adrenaline. Unfortunately, it only lasted for a few minutes before he was right back asleep again. It was my job to make sure the Omega was well taken care of. It was my duty. It didn't help that the Omega was fearful of his heat in general, he was extremely emotional and often he fell asleep crying.

Charlie and I we're trying to understand why his pre-heat was so different from the others. Was it because he was a male, or was it because of something else? Usually, the pre-heat lasts for five days, but for George it had been ten days of on-and-off sleep. I couldn't help but to be worried.

It also didn't help that I had to lie to my father about why his pre-heat was taking so long. Some of my excuses were, "Oh, he's just tired." and, "He ate some wild Meloberries, so he's tired." I didn't know what to do. Eventually the Omega was to go into his official heat and what is he to do then? Freak out?

His best guess was to make sure not to upset the omega anymore. I cared too much about him to let anything happen to him, especially in this state.