Story Behind Engagement

Everyone here could guess Tony's thought more or less because like everybody Tony thought that Mary was a greedy person and wanted to engage Adrian for his money & power. now Mary and her friends were thinking that taking Tony to their plan might harm Tony. so they were about to change their plan but Tony asked an important question.

" may I know why you guys want to tell me about your secret identities? I know you guys don't want to reveal those identities but why me , not even my boss ."

"that's a good question Mr. Bell. actually you're one of our partners upcoming plan that's why we want to reveal our identities. we'll do no harm but we just want borrow your boss's power. don't panic. just hear hear our plan first" Bella told seriously.

hearing Bella's reply , Tony started regret his decision. why he liked Miss Green. his boss was right. they wanted to engage his boss for his power and they told him not to panic. he was about to call his boss this information but Albert snatched his phone from his.

"first hear us out then decide what you'll do. we have enough power & money why would we need Adrian's power. don't you think EM Allen & Queen had enough power to retaliate Jones family. as for Adrian's secret identities and his secret business we know all of them. why would you think we came unprepared. we just want to use you as a pawn for our next plan. if you don't agree then we won't need your cooperation either. it's just we have to select another person" said Mellie with heavy & cold tone.

hearing Mellie's tone & reply , Tony understood a thing and that was -- they knew everything about boss and they didn't need his boss power. then why did they need him? next conversation cleared Tony's thoughts.

"will you hear our plan Mr Bell?" asked Mary

"okay. go on Miss Green" , replied Tony

"here's the thing- actually this the promise of two brothers who were sent to a mission. in middle of the mission they faced complicated situation so they first promised that if any of us would died here then another brother would took care of his family. but in the last they didn't died but one brother saved another brother who was near dead bed. so after the mission they promise each other they would become relatives by making engaged their children.

but the brother who saved another brother had three sons and one daughter. actually his daughter born after his mission. so both brothers were happy that they would become relatives. but some reasons the daughter fall in love with another guy. she didn't know that promise situation so she requested her dad to something. since the promise was made , they couldn't disrespect it. then both brothers made a another agreement will that the brother who saved another brother, his daughter's daughter (granddaughter) would carry her mother unfulfilled promise. now you should understand some topics Mr Bell.

my grandfather was Harold Smith & Adrian's grandfather was Roland Jones both were comrades for years. actually my grandfather was doctor and you also know Smith family's famous legacy. I'm the 19th descendent of this legacy. actually none of uncles or my cousins didn't want to shoulder this responsibility. my mother was also a descendent in this legacy but I was the original of descendent of this legacy. because my grandfather didn't pass all of knowledge to my mom. that was a private reason.

our engagement between two families based on also this legacy & heir situation. I would be the 19th descendent and Adrian would be the heir of Jones family. now you should fully understand my engagement situation. I wasn't prepared for this & didn't also love Adrian and Adrian's situation also same like mine. that's why our fiancée act only for two years. after that we would our own path. I couldn't break my grandfather promise so I had to do this. because my grandfather actually respect the promise and also you can ask in military high command about our engagement. this engagement was a military command for this two families. my grandfather & Adrian's grandfather were the sole reason about this command" , Mary narrated the whole story in short.

"actually they don't want to miss best marriage partner. now if you have any questions you can ask me", Mary said again.

"just let me wrap up my brain. now I don't have any questions", replied Tony.

"as you wish. we give you ten minutes to wrap up." " bell eat some fruits. you eat those heavy dish , so drink herbal tea for digestion", said Mellie.

"now you can start , Mary " said Albert.

"Mr Bell are you ready?" asked Mary.

"yes , Miss Green" replied Tony.

"actually our plan is simple. I don't want to marry Adrian. but because of my previous generation's promise , I can't let down my grandfather. so I made that agreement. after two years that agreement will be over and we will tell our grandfathers that we're not suitable each other and also we love other person. in that case we can annul our engagement and won't brake military promise & command.

I know that Adrian love someone else and that person may be Eva or not. that I don't care. I do come here A city for my other purposes and after two years I think I can solve those problems. even if I can't solve those problems , I won't disturb you guys. I have my team & my family members.

I just need Adrian's power to cover up my tracks like no one knows about Enora Allen. everyone will know just simple & ordinary Mary Green who don't have any background or you can say orphan. and also she don't have any fiancée like Adrian Jones. if our engagement will announce to the world or our country that will create heavy problems for me and hinder my purposes.

that's why you need to check every person who will come to our engagement party and no media or social media post are allowed. you can just report that your boss will be going to engage if he wants to. because we'll break our engagement after two years. and as for fall in love , don't worry I don't have time for those cheeky things. and most important thing is that all those secrets & plan you know ; you can't tell Adrian about that. otherwise that'll create unnecessary troubles or you can say he'll poke his nose here & there.

as for engagement, you know first plan. now come to the rest of the plan. you'll talk to grandpa and tell him that I don't want to reveal my identity in engagement party. so everyone will know that I'm just a ordinary orphan girl and grandpa just engage us to repay my kindness. no one should know about Adrian & my engagement promise and also those military command. also tell grandpa that he shouldn't invite those military officers & commanders because they know my identity. I'll go military area to receive their blessings. grandpa will know how to solve those military problems. and another important things that don't invite Allen family & related those business partner although they don't have reputation in the aristocratic legacy anymore.

grandpa shouldn't know about agreement paper. as for engagement dress , I already brought it. also inform grandpa that my maternal family won't come to this engagement party. my grandfather will talk to Adrian's grandfather after our engagement party. also take care of those disgusting flies those who is around Adrian's and don't mess my engagement party , otherwise I won't live them peacefully. mind everything carefully.

about engagement flower , don't bring any kind of rose. actually I don't like roses. bring any kind of white flower and engagement banquet have to be simple so everyone will think that Adrian don't value me and anytime this engagement can annul. as for grandpa & uncle aunty they know how create that banquet simple but elegant. also tell grandpa and uncle, aunty I'll visit them the day after tomorrow." Mary said her plan to Tony.

Tony couldn't wrap up his brain after hearing Mary's secret and story about engagement. after hearing plan about engagement , he started to think that he would go to hell if he did any mistake. his boss was alone a cold mountain and now did add another devil to hell his life. he couldn't tell his boss or his another buddy to his misery. what kind of trouble he got trapped because of his boss's private secretary.

also he started to think Mary's identities and engagement purpose. how can he cover his secret work for Mary. if his boss would come to know about any of these then he would go deserted place for work. how miserable am I.

looking Tony's miserable face Albert , Alex, Bella , Mellie and Mary started to laugh but controlled themselves for not to break Tony's heart. they knew this plan would bring trouble for Tony but this was the best outcome they thought of. no one would know Mary's identify who would attend engagement party and as for outside world they would think Mary a commoner. they would never gonna believe fairy tale story. as for those flattering families whose was gonna attend ceremony , they would only think that Mary was scheming girl who wanted to marry Adrian for Jones family's power & money. so those flattering people would create troubles and Mary would gonna make profit from those troubles. as for her fiancé , he already started to think her a scheming girl who trapped his kind hearted grandpa. but he was never gonna believe that his grandpa was most scheming person in the world. for his grandson who was carry Jones family's responsibility & power ; how could he engage a normal rich family's daughter for his grandson. his grandson deserved the best girl and also Mary would bring more profit & opportunities for Jones family. those profit things were superficial for grandpa Jones but his military bro relationship was most important matter to his life. this relationship would bring glory his life and make amends those mistake he made his past.

when everyone was so engrossed with their own thoughts Jason came downstairs with two legal papers.