Eva's Anger , Mysterious Person

When Adrian said Paul to send Eva home , she was angry. She couldn't believe that moment Adrian would do something like that for a stranger. Actually Eva knew nothing about Lucas identity. She only knew his name was Lucas White.

She first believed that Lucas was related to White Family. But she never saw White Family's heir despite being attended many upper class parties. Then she concluded Lucas White had nothing with White Family. That's why her anger increased when Adrian ignored her. Although she believed Adrian knew nothing about her scheming, she didn't want to take risk. Thus, she wanted to get rid of Lucas who humiliated her in front of everyone. Also she wanted to cease Mary's existence in their life before Adrian met her. Only she could be madam Jones.

Eva became jealous only hearing Mary's stunning look. Sometimes she heard from grandpa Jones that Mary was talented girl and it was Adrian's luck Mary was getting engaged with him. Thus, her jealousy level increased more. So, she hired a private investigator to investigate Mary. But she didn't get any useful information from them. Also that investigator didn't get her photo. So, she an assassin to murder Mary after learning limited information about Mary. But she still didn't get any news after 2months. Even she could not contact that assassin anymore.

After that she stopped doing that. But she hired another investigator to investigate Jones family members movement. She thought she could get any information about Mary from those members but still got nothing. On the other side, Jones family members already knew about Eva this little work. But didn't do anything because she was Adrian's saviour. Also they wanted to catch big fish through Eva. They already knew Eva was colluded with Jones Family's vampires relatives.

Eva handled her little work was by contacting those relatives. Even, Eva used Adrian's personal money for those dirty work. If someday those dirty work would expose, her name would not be on list. So, everyone would believe that Adrian got rid of his fiancée because he hated her. That was her unique plan. This report didn't reach Adrian's ear still now. Because Paul didn't want to upset his boss more.

But after today's incident, Eva didn't want to wait another chance. She wanted to remove every possible thorn who/which was being obstacle between her & Adrian's relationship. Eva was thinking her dirty plan when she was riding car with Paul. Eva didn't notice that Paul captured her every movement or every action carefully.

Once she reached her home, she arrogantly ignored Paul and entered Brown family's house. Upon reaching living room of the house, she vented some of her anger on servants. Then she entered her bedroom. Once she was there, she called the mysterious person who helped her to enter Adrian's life.

" I want another favour from you. Adrian ignored me for an stranger today. I think he knows something about me. Also my last assassination attempt failed. So, this time want to assassinate two together. One is Lucas White and another is Mary Green. That bitch already created so many troubles in my life. So, this time I want to taste that bitch how much pain she can endure. I want to rape that bitch until she was dead and put her raping videos in the internet. so every citizen can see her damaged reputation." Eva said with full malice.

" okay. it'll be done. I know where Mary Green lives. so, it'll be easy task for us. also don't let Adrian doubt you. Otherwise we'll be doomed. Old Master Jones was still furious with Adrian after he did 3 years ago. So well done. But you caused so much troubles by acting idiot two days ago. Be yourself and control your anger with in your limit or ours plan will fail." said on the other end phone with cold & serious tone.

Actually, this mysterious person helped Eva for 13 years. Actually that person contacted Eva 13 years ago to bring success in his/her plan. After that Eva fully involved with that mysterious person. Eva actually didn't know anything about that person, even gender of that person. Because that person always talked to Eva through phone and used voice changer.

After talking to that person, Eva's anger subdued a lot. So, she took a relax bath and planned to act her next move. At 3 pm, Eva realized that Adrian didn't call her. She was hoping that Adrian would call her and console her. But he didn't even text her. Thus, her anger increased again. So, she called Adrian.

But she got disappointed. Not only Adrian's voice sounded cold also Adrian hanged up her call after giving emotionless reply. Then he switched off his phone. This made Eva furious. How could Adrian do this to her? Looked like something happened those hours. She had to get those hours information. So, she called Adrian female secretary Lizzy Wood who was helping Eva secretly by informing Jones Corporation's news. But this time Eva was bounded to be failed. Lizzy didn't answer Eva's call. Actually Lizzy was now in dark room for interrogation ( will know upcoming chapter).

This made Eva more furious. Unknown to her, Eva was now in surveillance 24 hours. So, when she made call that mysterious person, her phone call got tabbed. She was under surveillance by two team. So, her dirty work got recorded every seconds. Thus, her 'kind' persona would collapse very soon.

Now Eva was angry beyond her limit. First, Adrian ignored her and second, Lizzy didn't pick her call. She still didn't know where Adrian was. She kinda doubted Adrian but removed her suspicion on Adrian some time later. Because Adrian knew nothing about dirty work and he still believed her unconditionally. Once her rival would be gone , she would make those people regret who were criticised her online. She would make everyone pay for criticising her. Because she was Brown Family's sole heir. That orphan bitch Mary couldn't compare to her. Soon, that bitch would know the taste of gang rape until she was dead.

Thinking all of these, Eva let out a satisfactory smile which was full of malice. If any person saw her right now, she/he would be shivered.