Tears in heaven

Owen's P.O.V.

I looked out of the window and I was reminded of the very first time I was here. The evening sky looked like that in paintings. No, it was even better than that. I don't think anyone can imagine or capture beauty like this. The sky was painted with perfect shades of red, yellow, and orange. There were little clouds that added the gradient and shadows to the scenery. But it was mesmerizing because with those shades of red, yellow and orange; there was purple too. Is this even possible for the sky to look this amazing?

The cherry on the top was the land. A lake reflecting all this red, yellow, orange and purple light. The red flowers on the trees had their colors deepened. The silver leaves on another tree beside the lake reflected all this light too hence the tree looked like it had partly red, yellow, orange and purple leaves with different shades. The hills were grand and proud like they knew how beautiful they looked. This place is really heaven.

"Like what you see?" Jess asked as he came out of the kitchen. This man can never stop flirting, why does he have to make it sound so dirty.

But I was enchanted by the glasses he was holding on the tray. Two glass mugs with liquid that looked just like the sky outside. The beautiful evening sky. It was red at the bottom then gradually turned into orange in somewhere middle of the cup and was yellow at the top. The ice cubes in the drink did the same thing as the clouds, it gave the shades and added a little white. A black straw resembling the tree. On top of the drink, there were a couple of purple flowers. It was a work of art.

"It's blood orange cold brew tea with hibiscus on top." He said putting the tray down.

"What is hibiscus?" I was really curious.

"It's the flower." He answered holding back the laugh.

I took the sip in and I have to admit that he always makes me surprise with his drinks. "You really are a wizard," I said taking another sip. He looked proud and pleased by my comment.

"Glad you like it."

It does not look like I hurt him from the way he is acting today. He is behaving normally. But still, I need to apologize.

"Um...You see, I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I was letting my wolf roam around as he has not been out for years and then he smelled you and did that." I was trying to calm myself down. "But he was just playing, he just wanted to scare you, it was not his intension to harm you," I added. "Please forgive me and him. He is a nice wolf, he does not do things like this believe me." I paused.

"It's all right. I don't mind it at all." He said with a comforting smile.

"Really?" I could not believe want he said so I just want to confirm.

"Of course, I cannot be angry with my friend over something trivial like this."

"Friend?" I asked.

"You don't consider me as your friend." He was shocked.

"No...NO... I do... But I never thought that you were considering me as your friend." I was nervous.

"Well, now you know it."

"OKAY" I was smiling from ear to ear. "But then why were you behaving like that yesterday?" I regretted it as soon as I asked that when I saw Jess's expression. It was only for a second but he looked sad.

"You remember I told you about my town when we first met?" he asked, he was trying to hide his pain but he still looked hurt.

"You, you don't have to talk about that if you don't want to."

"It's fine." He replied with a weak smile.

"You said that someone named the whisperer attacked your town." I was getting sad too.

"He killed everyone in my town." He was trying his best to hold the tears back. "Nobody knows about him. Anyone that knows about him is either dead or works for him. It is said that not a single body is found of the people who fought against him. It's like they annihilated." he was choking. "There are rumors that he is the most powerful wizard. And he attacked my town." A tear fell from his left eye.

"Hey, hey, are you all right?" I was concerned.

"You see my town had nothing that stand out. We were not the most powerful wizards, we have average magical resources, it was just like any other small wizard town. I still can't understand why he attacked us. What would he gain from that?" He was lost in his thoughts.

He paused for a minute, the silence was heavy and I did not know what to say.

"I still remember the night he attacked. It was just a normal night, everyone was wrapping up, and then suddenly giant waves flooded the town, and the land started to shake. Everyone was scared, people were running in all directions. Our elders started putting up the spells and guards to stop the waves from getting any further. But it was all in vain. The waves penetrated the shields of magic like they were not there." He chocked.

"You know what was shocking, there was no source which would hold such a large amount of water near our town. There is only a small river but no wizard can get this much water out of it. The thunders were roaring so loud in the sky that they overpowered the screams of thousands of people. Then came the fire, it spread in the sky. The sky was burning Owen, it was literally burning. It was horrifying. Then all the fire fell from the sky like rain burning anything that remained. It was then I saw a shadow approaching my home." he failed to hold himself back and started crying.

"But my mom stood in front of it, challenging it. I still remember her fearless eyes, they were burning brighter than the fire that engulfed the town. 'I will not let you succeed. AS LONG AS I'M ALIVE I'LL NEVER LET YOU WIN, I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT. NEVER.' Then she turned to me and said 'RUN. JESS, RUN. YOU HAVE TO LIVE, FOR US. LIVE.' I did not want to run, I wanted to be by her, I wanted to fight with her. Even if I were to die, I wanted to die with her. She was my only family." He looked broken; he was crying badly.

"But when I told her that I did not want to run, she told me to not be a fool, she said 'DON'T BE A FOOL. RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK. Remember I love you and I'm always by your side. RUN. RUN. RUN.' And I ran, I did not look away, my feet were refusing to go any step further but I kept running." He was crying like crazy, his eyes were red. He looked angry, sad, hurt, and heartbroken.

I sat by his side and hugged him. I placed his head on my chest and he hugged me back burying his head in my arms.

"I did not want to run...I did not want to run away..." He was hiccupping. But he kept repeating that with a broken voice over and over again.