Gaming II

There Jake is again,on his pc playing games with friends.Quinn look at him with puppies eyes but Jake didn't notice as he is too focused on his game.Quinn sigh at the sight of Jake as he's not giving her attention.Quinn feeling more needy and needy she walk down to the kitchen to grab some ice cream.

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Grabbing an ice cream from the freezer she sit on the sofa turning on the tv and watching a tv series.Almost emptying the ice cream container she stare down at the container can't help but thinking about how she wants Jake in her arms.

Still feeling clingy she turn off the tv and stares at her phone instead.Scrolling through instagram looking at cute couple pictures she can't help but feel envious.She stares at the top of the stairs wondering if she should go back upstairs or just wait until Jake finishes with his game.

A couple hours has pass Quinn still feel needy.Looking through her phone of pictures of Jake and her on a date.Her mouth form a little pout remembering that Jake is living with her but not beside her cuddling her at the moment.Feeling fed up she stomped back upstairs and into the room.

- - -

Quinn go near Jake and try to grab his attention.

"Mmmm" she hummed with a pouty mouth and puppy eyes looking pleadingly at him.

"Yes?Honey?I'm in a game at the moment.What do you need?"Jake said taking glances at her while trying to focus on the game.

"Mmm"Quinn still pouting now her head is on the table.

"Honey? Tell me? What do you need?" Jake said still only taking glances and not focusing on her.

Quinn feel like sulking as to how he's more focus on the game and not her so she got up , cross her arms and pout her mouth "hmmph".

"Dear? Hey?" Jake still in the game more focused on her now.

Quinn let out a little giggle before going back to Jake and looking at him with puppy eyes again.

"What's wrong? Hmm?" Jake ask now more focus on her.

Quinn gives out her hand as if asking him to hold them.Jake holds her hand as he is dead in the game now. As his hands are not on the keyboard anymore Quinn took the chance and sit on his lap facing him.

"Oh?"Jake said in surprise.

"Ehe I want cuddles" she said with a pout that forms into a grin quickly.

"Ahh you could've just said that and I'll just let you sit on me" Jake said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"But this is more fun hehe"Quinn said before resting her head on his chest.

Jake smile at his cute wife behavior and said "okay I'll finish this one game then we go cuddle on the bed okay?"

"Okayy"Quinn replied with a bright smile.