A special day

It was a peaceful day, Quinn and Jake are cuddling on the sofa watching tv.The door bell rings and Jake gets up.Quinn look at him with puppy eyes asking him to stay with a pout.

"There's someone at the door darling..I'll be fast okay?"said Jake patting her head.

She nod slowly still looking sad that Jake leaves.

Jake opening the door to a delivery man.

"A delivery to the Glimores?"the delivery man ask.

"Yep I'm Jake Glimore"said Jake nodding and taking the parcel.

"Sign here please"said the delivery guy handing him a pen.

"Thank you"he continued before leaving.

- - -

"Who was that?"Quinn asked seeing Jake walking towards her.

"The delivery man"Jake said showing the parcel.

"Oh?Did you order something?"Quinn asked.

"Because I didn't" she continued.

"Yep I did"he replied while patting her leg asking her to sit properly.

Quinn adjusting her sitting style asked "what is it?"

"Idk you tell me" Jake said handing her the parcel.

"Jake...is it for me?"said Quinn giving him a look.

"Open it" Jake said with a smile.

"But I told you not to waste money on anything for me"Quinn said with a pout.

"Just open it darling"he said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Quinn opened the package surprise by the delivery.

"Jakee?? But whyyy??"Quinn said with stars in her eyes.

"Happy Birthday dear"he said giving her a kiss.

"You don't have toooo aww"said Quinn while hugging Jake.

"I love youu"said Quinn with a big smile.

"I know I love you too"Jake said with a soft smile.

"You like it?"Jake said with a grin.

"Cause if you don't I'll send it back"Jack said teasingly.

"Noooo"Quinn said hitting him teasingly.

"I love it"said her with a soft smile holding his hands.

"Thank you darling"she continued after giving him a kiss.

They spend the rest of the day cuddling on the sofa binge watching Quinn favorite movies.There were a lot of movies.Most of them are the classics;The Addams Family,Charlie's Angel, Pitch Perfect and more.

Quinn look at Jake, glad that he's the one she ends up with.She loves Jake so much she wouldn't trade him for the world.

It's almost midnight Quinn got up leaving Jake on the couch.

"Where you going?"Jake asked giving her a sad look.

"I hungry I wanna make something"she said as she walk to the kitchen.

"Okay..can you bring me something?" Jake said with a grin.

"Of course"said Quinn smiling at him.

In the kitchen she went to make some instant noodles and serve it to Jake before going back.

"Hmmm?"Jake looks at her pleadingly.

"I have to take something I forgot in the kitchen"Quinn said giving him a smile.

"Be fastt I want cuddles" he said sounding like a child.

Quinn chuckles at his nature before pulling out the birthday cake with candles on it.

"Jakee darling"she said trying to get him to look at her.

"Happy Birthday!!"she said as soon as he turns.

Jake almost dropped his instant noodles wanting to hug her tight.

"Quinn" he said with puppy eyes.

"When did you even buy a cake?" Jake said giving her lots of kisses.

"Hehe I know you love cake so I need to make sure I have cake for you" she said smiling at him.

"Aww I love you" Jake said.

"I love you too...here"Quinn said handing him a gift.

"Honeyyyy you don't have to"Jake said looking at her.

"I want to...I love you" Quinn said giving him a kiss.