Our vacation

"Darlinggg"Jake said with a wide grin.

"Yes? Oh naughty face you have there what have you done this time"Quinn said pointing her finger at him.

"I did nothing wrong....just got two tickets to Disneyland" Jake said smiling with his hands up knowing well that Quinn gonna end up in his arms.

Quinn ran toward him giving him the biggest hug.

"Awww darlinggg,I love youu"Quinn said her face in his chest.

"I know..I know"Jake said patting her head with a proud smile.

"We leave in two days...is that okay with you?"Jake said looking down at her face.

"We staying a night there??"Quinn said excitedly.

"Yep"Jake answered with another proud smile.

"Awww Jackiee you don't have to"Quinn said shedding tears of joy.

"I want to...and my baby wants to.Of course I'll do anything for her"he said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

- - -

Everything's packed,luggages are being put inside the trunk.Quinn gives a bright smile at Jake holding him tight in a hug.Jake give her kisses as they finishing with putting the luggage away.Closing the trunk Jake went to open the door for Quinn.Quinn gives him a princess bow before getting into the car.They both chuckle at their behavior.

- - -

Disneyland were amazing.Quinn really loves all the ride and wishes she could go twice on everything.Jake loves seeing his wife this happy.Always wants her to be happy.Quinn can't stop giving him a hug anywhere they go,Quinn just loves him so much and the surprise tickets are amazing.She have been dreaming to go to Disneyland since she was a child.Quinn loves Jake so much and him doing this to her just makes she loves him more.They spent a lot, and by a lot I mean too much.Quinn insisted on buying all the foods as she wants to taste it all and Jake bought some souvenirs so that Quinn will always remember this moment.

Enjoying their time at Disneyland really cost a lot of energy it's time to head to their Dream Suite.

- - -

"Jake I can't believe all of this is really happening"Quinn said unable to wipe the smile off her face.

"How much did it cost you"she said her brows frowning now.

"It doesn't matter how much as long as you're happy dear"Jake said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"But you need to stop giving me everything.We need to be more careful with the money we spend"Quinn said her voice stern.

"Honey...please just enjoy this moment okay?Forget about the cost for once.I want to see you happy"Jake said giving her a wry smile.

"Mmm okay..just know that you don't need to spend money to make me happy"Quinn said with a straight expression.

"You with me.Here....Married already make me the happiest" Quinn said with a bright smile.

"I love you so much Jake"Quinn said getting closer to him giving him a hug"

"I love you too honey"Jake said patting her head.