His voice fills the room as he enters. The same two women that were in here earlier, follow close behind him. Their heads are bowed, but the expressions of discomfort and shame are clearly on each face. It's clear that they have told him what happened earlier.
I see that my mom has arrived at the same conclusion. It breaks my heart to see my mother shrink at the sight of him. Her hands slip quickly out of mine, so that she can wipe away a tear that threatens to fall. Quickly she pats herself to make sure that everything on her is in place. She gets herself together so fast that she's done, even though my father is still striding towards us.
"Honey" She soothes. "What's the matter?"
My father closes in on us. Behind him the designer and the seamstress hang back, pressed to the wall.
"I hired these women to get her ready for the ceremony. Yet I found them outside my office just standing there." His anger flares, as he narrows his eyes at me. " They tell me that my ungrateful daughter is refusing the dress and the man that I went out of my way to get for her. "
My mother continues to try to calm him. "She was just a little nervous. but we talked it out." She glances at me hoping I'll chime in. I don't, so she continues. " She is excited for the dress. . . . and her new mate. "
" She is lucky to have such a great match despite all of her shortcomings. For an alpha of his caliber to take interest in such a worthless girl who can't even shift properly is unheard of. If she knows what's good for her. . . " He steps in closer in an attempt to intimidate me. ". . . .She will do what she is told and thank me for the opportunity to do so."
It takes everything I have to keep all my emotions in check, My father expects his words to be followed without question. He is speaking to me right now not as a father but as the Alpha. It's one thing to confront my mother, she will convince herself and others that everything is perfect, even past the bitter end. But my father, the Alpha, is a serious threat, Rosemary and my plans all revolve around my father, thinking that I am going along with it.
If I am going to make my plan work, I must appease him now.
"Father" I start sweetly, I force myself to mimic my mothers posture. Submissively, I lower my eyes and tell him exactly what he wants to hear. " I am so sorry, I was just a little nervous but mother was just helping me through it. I will be honored to marry such a great man."
My father looks at me skeptically. He needs more convincing, so I start again. " I realize my inability to shift. . . " This time the shame on my face is real. "Has caused you a great deal of trouble. Without my wolf, I should be packless. I would be unable to find a mate of my own. No one would want to deny their wolf a mate. Thank you for your mercy " For the finishing touch the ultimate sign of submission and respect a pack member can show in their human form, I take his hand in mine and lower myself to kiss it.
The gesture works. My father visibly relaxes and motions the two women against the wall forward. " Ladies," He instructs as he turns from me towards the two women and the door. " Please continue on the dress" All four of us women are relieved to watch him walk out the door.
My mother pulls me into her arms the second he is gone. " I am so glad you understand". She coos excitedly. "I'll get us some tea and cookies. We should be celebrating"
I untangle myself from her. Her face shows hope and a dash of excitement. After what I just learned about her marriage with my father. Her reaction seems absurd, but she obviously thinks our situation is completely normal. My mother has already been broken, and now she wants me to not only do the same thing that broke her but to celebrate it as well.
I am filled with disgust, at my mother and at myself, Still I move forward with the appointment answering all the designer's questions, and letting the seamstress take measurement after measurement.
When the appointment is finished, I am relieved to be back in my own room. I walk through my door and the familiar powder blue walls greet me. I close the door behind me, desperately needing privacy. After walking across my room, I plop onto my bed and place the pastry box right next to me on the table. I stare at the box in amazement, before lifting its lid. The once beautiful matcha mouse has melted slightly and its now misshapen. It doesn't matter though. That wasn't the prize.
I slide my phone and start to type in the number on the box. Amaya's name pops up.
Instantly I start to feel nervous. So I decide against it, and opt to call Rosemary instead.
She answers on the second ring. " What's up" I can tell by her voice that she is snacking on something crunchy.
"So my parents just tried to put me in a wedding dress" I start.
"Have they seen you? That couldn't have looked pretty, ``she jokes.
" They were trying to see what silhouette would look best for my mating ceremony dress" I responded.
She makes a vomiting sound
" They tried to put me in these ugly lace sleeves, to hide my arms." I continued chuckling a little at the memory. "The muscles in my arm were too much for the sleeves, so the sleeves just. . busted open. "
Rosemary and I burst out laughing at the thought. When we had finally stopped. Her voice turned serious. "My mom says that she has already been given a menu for a welcoming party for James Ludvich. He will be there in 2 weeks." This bit of news shocks me, and makes me feel queasy . He is coming so soon.
I try to remember what he was like when I met him almost 6 years ago. My parents were celebrating 20 years of being mated. It was a huge event and many Alpha's from nearby packs came including James Ludvich.
He was in his late 30s, and very tall. I remember never seeing anyone as tall as he was. He's probably between 6'7 or 6'8. His face was always serious and dark. Every part of him was always in control. Even among Alphas he commanded respect. But there was something strange about him. Back then I had felt that he was watching me.
I was a tall, skinny and awkward 12 year old. Other than being the Alpha's daughter, I was nothing to pay any attention to. Most people ignored me or only came close when one of my parents was there. James Ludvich was different though. Looking back he was interested in me even back then. He had tried to talk to me. But I thought his long pale face looked creepy, so I had always found an excuse to leave.
These memories made me wonder why he was interested back then and if it's the same reason why he is interested now. And what about his wife? She was there back then too. Nothing was adding up.
"Astra!" Rosemary shouts my name dragging me out of my thoughts and back to our conversation.
"Ah, sorry, What did you say?" I apologize. Over the phone I hear her sigh.
"We have to move up the plan. If he is coming we have 1 week to get you out. He has too many resources and there will be too many people moving around unpredictably to get things ready for his arrival. "
I think about everything that would happen if I stayed. I would lose it all. My resolve hardens and I know what I must do.
" I'm ready. " I say confidently
" Great, I will see you tomorrow" She hangs up
One week. That's it. After this week. I will never see anyone from the pack ever again. My parents thought that I would choose staying with a pack, over being alone. That I would feel worthless on my own. But if I can't shift. I already am alone. And If I am going to be alone, it will be on my own terms.
I will start over as a human. Maybe I'll even go to college and have a normal life. Rosemary and her mom, of course, but when everything calms down I'll be able to talk to them again.
I look around my room to take it all in. My eyes are stopped by the little box. The matcha cake had been out so long it started to smell a bit sour. I close the little cake box back and slide it off the desk into the trash. I feel bad for a second, I'll never call Amaya. There is no point. I'm leaving in a week, never to return.