CHAPTER NINE: Babysitting The Fallen Princess.

Standing in front of a huge Cliff i became surprised as to what I'm doing in front of there.

How did i get here?

Where am i?

Then i heard the constant chattering of monkeys,the singing of birds,and turning around. I met a figure with it's back facing me.

The voices!

I could hear voices of different kinds.

I don't want to be here.

Then i  heard it,my dad's sweet voice calling me,turning around and i saw him standing on the other side a bit far away from me.

"Dad,you are…"I called but my voice sounded hoarse and tiny making it impossible for him to hear me.

Walking away from the cliff,running forward to meet my dad,but it seemed impossible,the harder i tried running to him,it seemed as if i  was never getting nearer.

"Look at her,so pathetic!"


I turned around to see Kassidy laughing at me as i struggled to meet my dad who was looking at me with a sad face,as if he knew that i was really sad and needed comfort.

"Her mom died because of her,she's a psychopath mother"Kassidy blabberewhile talking to herself,making me confused  as to who she was talking to because i couldn't see Skyler  anywhere and just then i  felt a cold pair of hands grabbing me from behind.

"You devil!"

I heard the wicked voice of Skyler,looking into my face with a dangerous smile on her face.

"Yes mother,we need to kill her"Kassidy said and then i discovered that i was back, standing to the very edge of the cliff with Skyler's hand on my throat.

Where is my father?

"You need to leave for us to survive!"Skyler said, pushing me further to the cliff's end.

"Do it mother,she's not my sister"Kassidy urged her mom and then i saw a woman wearing an eye blazing white gown which shined brightly like the morning sun,her red hair the same as mine looking into my eyes while tears were drifting down her face.


I shouted over to her,trying to get her to save me,and just then i noticed the blood coming out from her mouth but not without hearing her say.

"You killed me"


I shouted trying to release myself from Skyler's grip, Kassidy's irritating laughter still in my ears.

"Tonight,you die just like your pathetic family!"

She pushed me!

Skyler pushed me off the cliff!

Natasha woke up with a force as a result of the dream she had,she groaned touching her head as it ached but it could not be compared to the ache she felt in her heart.

That dream!

She always has the same dream while growing up,it started 12 years ago,the night she caught her step mother Skyler talking to a man on phone telling him how she has the family wrapped around her hands.

Natasha had made her suspect that she was eavesdropping on her conversation when she mistakenly pushed the flower vase to the floor.

She ran trying to avoid her step mother because she knew she was going to punish her,but her escape was cut short when Kassidy appeared suddenly blocking her entrance.

Natasha could still remember the threat Skyler gave her when she caught up with her,she threatened to kill her dad and send her to another country if she said a word of what happened earlier to him.

And what did a 12 year old girl did?,I complied so that i wouldn't lose my dad just as i  did with my mother.

Wiping the tears away from her face,she took her phone to notice that it was morning already,standing up to get a water and some aspirin to take for the headache.

She noticed the sweet smell coming from the kitchen.Nancy was here already.

"Ma'am,you are awake"Nancy asked bowing to her which Natasha frowned at ,she disliked bowing to her as if she was some kind of queen.

"When did you get in?''Natasha asked, getting the water and the aspirin on the counter,ignoring the way her stomach grumbled at the sweet smell of what her PA was cooking,which made her realize that she didn't eat at all yesterday.

"Are you alright ma'am"Nancy asked concerned,she knew her boss was breaking down but she was trying to act strong because she was not used to being a pathetic and weak female.

She was a fighter.

"Stop with the formalities Nancy ,I've told you to call me by my name"

"I'm sorry,but i could never get used to it"Nancy apologized sadly as Natasha laughed  at her cute expression,she was a cute girl.

Having Nancy as her assistant at work was one of the best things because the lady did not only proved  herself worthy of being her secretary,she knew her in and out,something's she wondered how Nancy could keep up with her attitude,because she was one such cold lady at work,but Nancy would never complain of her constant nagging and her irritating attitude.

Speaking of work,she turned to her,

"Why aren't you at work,young lady?"

"I quit"

"You did what?"Natasha surprisingly asked,this girl is something else,like why would she quit?

"I would not work for some mannerless peacock"Nancy said blurtly referring to Kassidy which made Natasha burst out laughing.

"What are you going to   do Nancy as you can see,I'm the' fallen princess of white corporation',I don't have the power to do anything at the moment"

"Babysitting the fallen princess,that sounds like a job to me"Nancy declared as Natasha glared at her.

"Really?"Natasha asked as she grabbed the remote ,turning on the tv and just then Nanvy rushed to her blocking her view from the television,which made Natasha surprised and suspicious of her actions.

"You need to rest ma.."Nancy tried talking but it was already too late as her eyes were fixed already on the television and on the news headlines.

"Move aside"Natasha said in a cold tone scaring Nancy,who knew things were going to get messy in a few seconds to come.

"Natasha White,A whore in the making!"

Boldly written in the news headlines,was this.

Natasha pushed Nancy aside getting closer to read more,she saw her picture of where she was in the club drinking,and when she's sneaking  outside of a hotel room,clenching her fist  that she could feel her skin already bleeding.


How dare you!