CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX:The Plan On Leaving With Her.

Luca slammed the door shut with a force which shocked  Ethel and Ric who were in his office,he was pissed off.

Taming his feisty tigress seems like a hard thing to do on his part,not only was the girl stubborn she was crazy enough to slap him.

His psychotic being nearly snapped her neck for doing that,not only was she treading in dangerous parts but  she was refusing to be his,she was putting her life in danger if his enemies got to  know  of her,so he needs to get her on his good side so they can leave this place together.

Leave here together?

Sure it sounds funny,but he clearly knew that was impossible,the young lady doesn't seem like someone who would follow him willingly when she still has her Inheritance to fight for.

That's why he needed to talk to her,he needed to ask her what her comeback plan was,he needed  to know if she was still keen on having her revenge on her step mother and sister but she's not warming up to him talkmore of telling him about her.

But as much as she's too stubborn to open up and talk to him,it was clearly written on the wall that she was his.

He couldn't get her face off his mind,the way she took his fingers deep into her cunt melting under his touch and moaning his name.

She was too stubborn to admit that she loved his  touch but her body was saying otherwise,but nevertheless,she was his,come rain come sunshine.

The worst part about it all was his hesitance of not taking her in the car,they were both sexually frustrated and needed to get it out of their system but he didn't respond,rather he only fingered her till she cummed on him.

He didn't want to take her in his car,he wanted their next time to be remembered by her,so,that's why he didn't act more while in the car.

He wanted their next time to be mind-blowing and special for her,so that she would remember that her whole being,her mind,soul and body belongs to him.

Him only,she's the property of Luca Marchetti,the mafia King of Quebec  city.

He had eavesdropped on Ethel's recent discussion with Ric,where he told him that he was obsessed with her,let him call it an obsession or whatever he likes,he didn't care.

Natasha Esmeralda White was his from the very first moment she had walked into his hotel room,she was his and no one was going to do anything about it,no one who dared mess with him,not her lover boy and also not her ex.

Keith Henderson.

Talking about her ex,he wasn't what she though him of him to be,he has being lying to her,which was why he wanted to talk to her about,he was a  devil in  sheep's clothing pretending to be her Knight in shining armor when she doesn't know who he really is or what he does.

Well,he couldn't really judge him because too, he was no different,he hasn't told her who exactly he was and what  he does,but that would be settled tomorrow.

She will get everything she has been asking from  him tomorrow at Antonio's party.

"Boss"Ethel called, breaking him out from his pool of thought,he didn't really notice that he was here with Ric.

He's been distracted lately, Natasha White has clearly taken over his  mind,he couldn't stay a day without thinking of her.

Which Ethel hated,but he doesn't have a choice here.

He turned to look at Ethel who had an angry  look on his face,he knew that Ethel knew his endless pursuit of Natasha.

"I have prepared your visa and everything,we will be leaving in two days' time as per the plan ''He told Luca who was looking at him in a disapproving manner as if he made a mistake by doing what he just  did.

Ethel was sick and tired of this new side of his boss,he had totally been whipped by that girl,putting his life in danger and hers in danger once his enemies got to know about them.

What made it even worse was that she was the ex of Keith Henderson,their enemy,which made him have this gut feeling that she was bad news but his boss didn't care.

"Okay,you can leave, ''Luca replied, taking his cufflinks off to place them on the table. He noticed the surprised look on Ethel's face when he didn't respond negatively to what he said,before he left with Ric.

He called him back when he remembered something,Ethel turned asper Ric.

"Prepare the men,I'm  going to the party with Natasha,I wouldn't want any harm coming her way"

"You are putting her in harm's way already if you are bringing her along at the party"Ether retorted.

"Ethel!"Ric shouted when he noticed his boss' face darkened at what he said.

"Che ti preoccupa stronzo?(What concern is it to  you asshole?)''Luca flared up, immediately walking up to him with his tight fist,he was holding himself from designing his face for daring to say that to him.

""Sorry boss,he's a little bit sick"Ric interfered,taking Ethel's hand to pull him out of the room.

Luca punched the wall in anger,what does Ethel think of him,does he think he was going to let them kill his girl,Never!

Does he think he doesn't know  that taking her with him to the party was putting her life in danger,he knew that.

But that was the least of his problems,his problem now was in getting her to agree on leaving together with him,she was too stubborn and was never going to listen to him.

'why sorry mate?we kidnap her and take her back with us'

His psychotic mind advised laughing hysterically to Lucas' confused state,he so much loved the weakness he was seeing on him,Luca's doesn't know this but being weak makes him stronger.

"Shut it"Luca snapped at him.

"Let me out!"He demanded.

"No"Luca refused,letting him out a day before the party. No,that was too crazy and dangerous,he was going to hurt Natasha if he took over his body now.

"I won't hurt her if you let me out,I just want to have fun. It's been a while Luca"it said,his face lightened up with pleasure when he remembered that people were going to die soon if he's out.

"It's still a no"

"I can make it out without your help mate,it's just too lovely of me to ask for your silly permission,but I will let you be for now lover boy, tomorrow I get out!"He screamed, making Luca hold his head as the headache started again. He went to his drawer taking out his drugs, swallowing more than he can drink just to stop the other one from messing with his mind for now.

It took awhile  before he was himself again,if he was going to be with her tomorrow without  hurting her,he needs to keep his medication close.

He can't hurt his girl, Never.