Sue had turned in early only to meet the class in total disarray.

The beloved Mr Ukyo had come to class in a cheerful mood without any chalk but carrying a file of papers,balanced in both hands. He was whistling a cheerful tone but all his students knew what he was going to do and were already grumbling in their various seats in low tones.

"Today ,we are going to have a surprise test right now and all in just two hours to improve your mental capabilities."He said flippantly and must have totally looked like joker in his plain button down and red bowtie tied at the neck .But everyone knew he was DEAD serious.well everyone except Sue...

Akira used her head to bang the table. like Ugh!

Sue looked at her with a quizzical look.

"Whats wrong?".Sue bent her head slightly and whispered to Akira who was infront of her.

Akira grimaced as she folded her hands and looked at her ignorant friend with sympathy.

"Don't worry ,you will understand soon enough!"