26| I Needed Him


"Hey, do you want to go out for lunch today? I can't stand being around Ronald any longer," Gino said standing by the door way of my lab.

I looked up to him with a smile and laughed, "What happened?"

"Nothing, his smile just annoys me," he shrugged, "Can we leave in thirty?"

"Sure, will you come down?"

"Yep, I'll ask Adriano if he wants to meet up."

"Okay," I gave him a thumbs up then starting packing up the slides so that they would not be interrupted whilst I was gone. It was times like these that I realized maybe it was time for me to hire a lab assistant, but the thought of having someone in my happy space immediately annoyed me. I preferred working alone. 

After I was done Gino and I made the quick walk to our usual spot. Adriano had already gotten us a table by the window and had ordered our favorite drinks. 

"How was your business trip?" Gino asked Adriano who had just come back two days ago.