49| David, the Real Pest!


I stared at the man in front of me with a slight frown. It was not like I was going to fake happiness that I had gotten a new lab assistant. I barely had any help unless I specifically requested one of the lab employees from the university to assist me for the day.

The benefit of that was that I knew most of them therefore they already knew how I worked. Now not only did I have to train this new lab assistant but I had to learn him. From his curriculum vitae I knew he was good at lab work but his motivation to work sounded egotistical to me. 

King Adonis laughed it off when I told him that my new 'assistant' seemed to be the type to want to replace me in the work force, but he simply told me I was over thinking it and that no one could replace me. I was sure he was just buttering me up so that I would not say no to having sex with him. 

Which I gladly did, because I was not crazy.