60| Meow

King Adonis

"I thought I said no disturbances Apollo," I frowned as I stepped into our public Royal living room. 

Apollo sat on the couch looking sheepish as ever, "I know I know but can't we hang out tomorrow."

"No, you are stopping me from christening my chambers Apollo," I folded my arms over my chest with an unimpressed frown.

"Well sorry for being a cock block my dear brother, but wouldn't you like to spend some double date time with your boyfriend. He really likes Maria," he shrugged and looked away, "Unless you don't want to see both of our partners happy," he peeked up instantly making me tired. 

"Fine only tomorrow for a few hours. He has to leave in the afternoon," my brother was a tick. 

"Excellent! See you tomorrow," he waved, stood up and walked to his chambers. I deeply sighed and went back to my bedroom hoping I did not keep Cloud waiting for too long. 

"Cloud?" I called out as I closed the door.