68| Cloud's Little Servant

King Adonis

"My King," someone's voice snapped me out of my thoughts of Cloud. 

I sat up in my chair and cleared my throat, "Yes?" I had no idea who had even called me out because I was too busy drawing tiny clouds on my diary to pay attention to what was being discussed in parliament. 

"My King we wanted to know what you thought about the new bill of rights we discussed yesterday," the Minister of Foreign Affairs said. 

"I think I should read over it one more time before we go any further with the discussion," I stood up causing everyone else to stand up in respect. "We will continue the discussion tomorrow," I said. Everyone looked at each other with slight confusion wondering why I had ended todays work day so early.

To be honest I could not even concentrate on the documents in front of me and we had discussed this so many times my jaw was starting to ache.