105| Jealousy, Jealousy


It was three days after the wedding and the high had finally simmered down. Apollo and Maria were away on their honeymoon leaving the chambers to Adonis and myself. Iris was of course there but she was busy in the parliament. 

Adonis was working from home today and I did not want to disturb him so I worked in the garden. Things in the lab had slowed down since we had to wait for the sprouts to grow. It was pretty much out of our hands and nature as we all anxiously waited. 

The only thing I could do was write my research book which stood at a standstill currently because I was up to date with everything. It was a bit boring to waltz around the Palace gardens alone now that I was so used to having Adonis with me. Yet once again as if the universe had heard my prayers I heard Adonis call for me. 

I quickly ran to where he was and hugged him tightly. "Are you done with work?"