[Bonus chapter] Every King has Secrets

King Adonis 

I had been pacing up and down my study for what felt like an hour. My thoughts were all over the place that I ended up barely sleeping. It was 5am in the morning that even though it was against my nature I somehow left Cloud alone in bed to work. 

I had been going through the financial statements Cloud had been going through for two hours to see is there anything else I was missing. After he had become King it was difficult to pinpoint any anomalies because his monthly budget had increased so much that his transactions had increased to half a million. 

To be honest I could not even guess why he would have been saving up so much money. He always followed the rules to the 'T' and as a crowned Prince transacting more than you actually had was not allowed. Had he somehow found a way to get more money somewhere else that it never reached his files?