[Bonus chapter] The Greatest Gift

Crowned Prince Gordon

Despite popular belief I had never really planned a date before. In fact as crowned Prince I was never really allowed to date at all. I had to keep that part of my life extremely private and that left me having very little experience in most romantic aspects in my life. 

Yes, I had had a few girls I was interested in and of course I had had my first kiss and a few make outs but that was where it ended. I had no idea how to woo a girl and it was not like I could ask my father for any advice. He would pop a vein if he knew I was even interested in a girl he had not chosen for me. 

Everything about my life was hand selected, my friends, my interests, my clothes and even something as simple as my haircut. I knew for a fact he would not approve of my interest in Asa but how could I ignore the universe sending me something so precious.