
Crowned Prince Gordon 

Even though I tried to act strong in front of Asa, I was a complete nervous wreck inside. After consulting with Mamá and Fico I finally scrapped up the courage to speak to Baba about my plans to marry Asa. It had taken me a week to prepare but finally during dinner; that I purposefully asked Aaliyah and Asa not to serve, did I tell him the truth.

"Baba, I have found a girl I would like to marry," I said once we had finished our entrees and were enjoying dessert. 

His head snapped up as a bright smile spread across his face. He clasped his hands together and boomed, "And who is the lucky girl!"

I gulped down nervously before clearing my throat, "It is Asa."

The happy atmosphere of the dining room was immediately replaced by a suffocating tension, "Aaliyah's daughter?" his eyebrows furrowed as he recoiled away from me.