[Bonus chapter] Kings Don't Do That


I squished Adonis's face between my hands and giggled when his beard tickled my skin. His lips were in a cute pout as I pressed my lips to his. We were supposed to be preparing for a dinner with Asa, his siblings and Mariah with the babies, but we somehow ended up getting a bit distracted in the bathtub. 

"Are you going to be a good King when you meet Asa?" I smiled as I brushed my nose against his. 

"I won't be mean," He mumbled, "I told you I understand the situation now." 

"You promise you won't get upset," I let go of his face as I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. My legs straddled his naked lap as the warm water enveloped us as steam rose around us. 

His hand would continuously try to push my hips down but I would teasingly move away denying him of what he wanted. "This is strategical warfare," he squinted, "you're making me agree to what you want by using your body knowing I won't be able to resist."