[Bonus chapter] You're To Blame


Ezra sat on my bed with a book in his hands as he chewed on a pack of sour gummy worms. I had noticed he had quite a sweet tooth whilst also wanting the kick of something sour. I was not sure what book he was reading but it seemed to be a fantasy one by the looks of the cover. 

I sat by my office space with my computer in front of me and airpods in my ears as I listened to tapes. Whenever I thought of our bath together I would smile momentarily distracting me from my work. It had been so long since I had been taken care of and I guessed that was why it had me smiling from ear to ear. 

When I looked back to Ezra I found him staring at me. His cheeks flushed when he realized he had been caught. He looked down to his book with a cute smile before his eyes peaked up to me. 

At this rate I was going to get no work done. Even though he was just four meters in front of me, my skin just wanted to feel his. "Come here," I grinned.