[Bonus chapter] A Secret Weapon


I giggled against his lips as he flipped us over so I laid on my back whilst he nestled himself between my legs. His light brown eyes had become completely dark and the way he looked at me made me feel like a gazelle being hunted by a lion.

"What are you going to do Mister Ezekiel?" I beamed as wrapped my arms around his neck then gave him a peck. 

"I'm going to-"

"Ezra!" We heard a loud voice call out. 

It felt like we both instantly deflated as Ezekiel's shoulders slumped and his face got drained of all life in him. "It's Apollo," he whispered to me. 

"Ezra! My cute little brother! Where are you!" Apollo continued screaming which made me snicker. 

"I'm in the maze," I answered once Ezekiel had climbed off me and I put on my shirt. 

"I'm not going to attempt going through this. I get lost every time," he groaned as I heard him by the entrance of the maze.