

I watched Adonis, Cloud, Apollo and Maria as they sat on yoga mats with an instructor in front of them. They were under the E. Nomikos tree which provided a large amount of shade for them. 

"What are they doing?" I looked at Iris as we sat out by the balcony enjoying a morning tea together before she had to leave for work. 

"Couples yoga for expecting parents," she giggled. "Cloud suggested they do it since the first pregnancy and since then it's sort of been their thing. I guess they're bringing Maria and Apollo along."

Apollo did not seem to be taking it too seriously because he would constantly shake his booty about which would make Maria giggle. Adonis would constantly slap Cloud's butt in discretion which would make the red haired man's face extremely red as he looked back at Adonis with a scowl. 

Blue and Rain were in their own little play picnic with their nanny who I believed was Rosa.