It's Unfortunate


"Why have you never said anything?" I sat up in my chair as anger fueled inside of me. "You've been watching things unfold and you never said a word!"

He shrugged and looked towards his fireplace. The crackling wood spread a comfortable warmth throughout the cabin that I wished I could have enjoyed more of it if it were not for the massive bomb he had just dropped on me. 

"It was not my responsibility to say anything," he looked me in the eye without an emotion flickering with them. 

"What are you talking about!" I almost screamed. "It is our bloodline to protect the royal family. It's our duty to make sure no harm ever comes to them. Ezra, his blood line applies to that. This information could have helped us protect him sooner."

"And what has the royal family done but betrayed me?" he scowled, "The first chance they got they cast me out as if I was a nobody. As if I had not been groomed my entire life to serve Gordon."