"I knew it!" She screamed so loudly I was afraid the whole palace had heard her.
Ezra, for once not the fainting kind, ran to her to cover her mouth as she stood there a squealing excited mess as she danced. I was at least relieved she had not reacted the way she had when she caught Adonis and Cloud, but then again she was not in love with me for her to react in any other manner.
"You have to promise me if I remove my hand you won't scream," Ezra begged her as her large green eyes looked into his.
She dutifully nodded but from the glint in her eyes I knew she would do no such thing. I was about to warn Ezra but from the moment he took his hand off her she went buzzing around the room like a bee on drugs.
"Ezra and Ezekiel sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby sleeping in a golden carriage!" She loudly sang as we chased her around the room in an effort to stop her.