15- Ismow Tree, Anteater


The darkness was gone, and the light had taken its place. Birds were chirping and producing melodic noises across the forest.

Even with the lovely whistles, several beasts could be heard racing here and there.

Katrina slept on Adel's lap. While Adel had only closed his eyes, he had stretched his senses to the limit.

He slew as many beasts as he could detect with waves of Ki energy swords...

It was a technique he'd discovered on Earth dubbed "The three thousand swords," which was claimed to be capable of manifesting three thousand swords out of thin Ki energy.

As it was made of Ki energy, it could only be used by those who cultivated in the body cultivation system.

He had made a lot of gains as a result of this. The most important of them was his advancement to the mid-stage of the first step in the soul cultivation system and energy cultivation system.

This time, though, it required a lot more beasts as they weren't the same as the Titanium-Nosed Addax at the high stage of the first step.

After all, progress necessitated more energy, necessitating more powerful beasts capable of sending more energies to the paths upon their deaths.

He didn't make it past the midpoint of the first step. Though he was certain to retain energy inside his  mind-space in case Katrina awoke...

He had gotten a new feature on the invisible door on his mind, which explained why there were no energy fluctuations following his breakthrough on the first step of both energy and soul cultivation system.

For the time being, he could choose between sending his mind or his body to space, which meant that all of the energy fluctuations caused by the breakthroughs were hidden.

He might also use his connection to the body cultivation path to maintain his mind tied to his body's senses, forcing him to remain alert regardless of his cultivation...


When Katrina awoke, she glanced around in confusion, only to discover her hair strewn across the top of a nice 'cushion'...

'What? Cushion?' Katrina worried as she hastily rose up, fearing she had been kidnapped or that something strange had happened while she was sleeping...

'Could it be...' Her mind were racing, and she was convinced that someone had kidnapped her and was holding Adel as a hostage...

She shook her head, regaining her consciousness, till she realized the 'cushion' she was sleeping on was Adel's lap...

 'When did I start sleeping on his lap?' She was perplexed by what had occurred while she was sleeping...

Her mind raced once again, wondering all the things Adel could've done to her while she slept...

She blushed deeply before shaking her head, convinced that Adel had just closed his eyes and held her on his lap.

Even though Adel killed the beasts, it didn't wake Katrina up since he always kept at least 500 meters away from them before killing them with the sword energy method...


When Adel spotted Katrina standing up, he smiled and said, "Let's go mix with other disciples to avoid beasts coming after us."

Despite knowing he should do the exact opposite of what he said in order to avoid those bent on killing Katrina, he had a plan in mind. He wouldn't endanger both of their lives for nothing.

Katrina, too, had a puzzled expression on her face, wondering why he would do that despite the fact that she was being pursued by others. But she chose to trust him and nodded.

Adel tenderly caressed her shoulder before moving a few meters away, touching the dirt on the ground, and said to Katrina, "Alright, let me show you a trick."

Adel used it to handle Ki energy, which he then directed right into his body...

Large craters of mud erupted from the earth, startling Katrina as she sought to shelter Adel from whatever was going on...

But her concern was unfounded, as she was completely taken aback by what she saw in front of her...

Instead of Adel, who had previously been stunningly handsome, there was now an ordinary looking teenager with the same long hair Adel had earlier, but now black rather than silver.

Adel waved and looked at her before saying in the same tone of voice as previously: "This is unsatisfactory; we must also adjust two things:

Our voices, whether there were any former acquaintances or random mobs who had previously heard your voice.

Our energy fluctuations, causing them to shift slightly to a new one."

What Adel utilized now was a disguise technique that combined mud with Ki to somewhat modify a cultivator's bodily structure, while its original was an unorthodox method because it was frowned upon...

Its original method was one employed by Fiend Cultivators to modify the inside walls of a woman's va.g.ina, increasing their pleasure several folds.

That was its second use. In terms of its primary application, it sucked yin essence from a female anytime the male thrusts his 'little brother' on the inside, gradually but steadily causing the lady to lose vitality...

But Adel, of course, wasn't putting it to such use. He used the technology to create a disguise that altered all body parts to an unrecognizable degree...


Just as Katrina opened her lips to respond, Adel turned around and went in a different way, forcing her to stop any words she was about to say and follow him...


Adel came to a halt in front of a large, thick tree that appeared to be ordinary — identical to any other tree, with branches extending from its sides to numerous vines.

He then moved to a location near the earth and began cautiously digging into its roots.

Though the roots were strangely more difficult to mine than the roots of the other trees...

Katrina stood silently behind him, watching him. She's afraid of disturbing Adel if she speaks...


Adel eventually reached its roots a few minutes later. Though he didn't pay attention to them.

He gradually materialized a little sword composed of Qi energy this time, before severing a small section of the roots in the middle...

The sword gradually opened a barrier. Following that, he sliced it sharply and carefully, fearful of allowing its insides to flow out.

Adel eventually broke through the top layer of the barrier a few minutes later, revealing a golden liquid inside.

It had the appearance of honey but was golden in hue. Its aroma was enticing, making one desire to be a part of it...

Adel just shook his head, effortlessly removing the temptation that the liquid had provided...

That wasn't the case with Katrina, who was on the verge of moving towards it...

Adel simply patted her head softly, allowing her rationality to return before nodding towards Adel.

Adel took a glance at the liquid before telling her, "This tree is the Ismow Tree, which generates a liter of Anteater every century by slowly absorbing energy from the three cultivation pathways...

Anteater is a specific form of liquid that tastes similar to honey.

Despite the fact that its attracting power is fairly great. It manipulates the mind to draw it closer to it, and if one falls into its traps, they will be consumed by the roots and utilized to form a barrier to keep the liquid from escaping into the outer world.

After all, the liquid would continually nourish the roots of the tree on which it was initially created, giving it a little degree of intelligence.

Intelligence is significantly more complex than merely being exposed to liquid for a few centuries.

Anyway, as previously said, the liquid is produced by the roots as a very unusual natural event.

It happens when nature gives birth to the treasure in its trees, which happens once in a trillion chance.

As such, the tree that had gained a tiny amount of wisdom would not desire to relinquish the riches bestowed upon it by Nature to others, would it?

Hence, in order to defend it, it has this hallucinatory effect that attracts others to it. Then, as more people are killed, the stronger the barrier becomes, until it becomes unnoticeable and the tree covers it with its strong roots." Adel paused for a while, waiting for Katrina to process what he had spoken.

Katrina shuddered, imagining what would happen if she got too close to the liquid...

But she shook her head, because she wouldn't have come here with him if it weren't him leading her here in the first place...

'How many more secrets do you have, Adel?' she pondered. with a silly grin on her lips as she imagined how powerful her 'man' would grow in the future...

Adel nodded, unaware what she was thinking, went on: "Its use extends much beyond simply altering energy fluctuations and voice.

That was its second use, which lasted around three days and three nights.

The primary usage boosted the talent roots by a minor amount of 10%, and it can only be increased once before its only use becomes its second.

Although 10% may appear to be a little amount, it is tremendously advantageous for something as mysterious as talent roots..." Adel then concluded his sentence, motioning for Katrina to come over and have some with him...

Although Adel was correct, he had no idea what additional applications it may have.

Furthermore, he could only have got here because the deep connection the door from his mind vibrated before brought him here...

It may even have some way of benefiting his bloodline, but he had no idea what it might be.

He shook his head. But first, he went to Katrina and performed the prior disguise trick on her before continuing to drink the liquid....