22- Strange Incident (I)


After two hours had passed,

Adel yawned and opened his eyes, wishing to sleep more...

He didn't, though, merely waved his hand before dropping down to get beaten up by some beast...


Adel regained all of his energy after a few battles with some early stage second step beasts.

His mental energy increased, though it wasn't totally restored because he only slept for two hours...

He noticed the beast nurturing the plant before sneaking up on it with the [Misinterpretation] spell.

He then approached it from behind, collected his Ki fused with a little Qi in his right palm, and struck at the beast's back.

As Adel's fist struck the beast's backbone, a smashing noise was heard as the beast howled in anguish, before falling to the ground and, after wiggling for a bit, ceasing to breathe entirely.

Although he could combat it one-on-one, he would only be able to do so if he used several of his trump cards.

Besides, Adel still needed to utilize the Anteater with mid-stage second-step beasts.

As such, he can only now enter the high stage of the first step in all cultivation systems, while using the residual energy of the mid-stage second step beast he'd just killed to simply consolidate his foundations.


But that's not why he came. He figured that he would still need to feed the Espush plant to sapphire grade before he could obtain It.

He wouldn't break through for the time being since he required the beasts in the first place, as well as a lot of energy to back it up.

Thus, Adel decided to sit by with a plant in his hand, continuously infusing it with all three energies...


Before long, a few hours had passed...


As all of the nearby energy became agitated and surged directly towards the plant, a big pit was formed beneath it.

Adel knew that if he were to eat the plant, he'd only increase the chances of sensing the body's cultivation pathway, thus becoming useless to him.

Of course, he wouldn't do such a thing. But before he could move and take the plant, his mind door trembled as it sucked it in...

Adel was rendered speechless. He went through all the trouble to obtain the plant, just for the door to suck it up and dispose of it?

But as he entered the area inside with his mind, he noticed that the plant was near the massive tree, which was close to the barrier he couldn't cross...

He moved closer to it before seeing it expand quicker than in the outside, albeit at a slower rate, taking energy from the outside world via his mind door straight to it.

The present plant was sapphire, but the book he read didn't say anything about its future version. He might, however, assume that it would be refined to more useful pills.

So he assumed that the location of the plant was hastening its growth, but he didn't know what the plants needed to be on the field.

He then drew his consciousness out of the inner space and sighed tiredly before travelling in a certain way...


But as he walked in a specific direction, he heard the wailing of a beast, howling in shorter gasps, which startled him since he'd never heard such a sound before.

'Since when were beasts short of breath?' -thought Adel, before being speechless once more after he saw the scene in front of him.

He saw a beast with two beasts on top of it, and from the huffing sounds, he deduced that it was agonizing for the beast...?

He merely shook his head, deciding to leave them alone. Why would he get involved in the affairs of beasts? Let them do their thing while he does his.

After all, people did the same thing. They ignored similar things if they witnessed others performing similar actions.

Adel, however, would not remain silent if he witnessed a female mortal being r*ped. These were the race differences. He didn't care if humanity was in danger or not. Of course, this was the case if the female mortal was r*ped by a beast or bandit.

After all, we slaughter animals and beasts for food, while they slaughter other humans for a variety of reasons.

He was far from a hero. He's not going to get involved in other people's problems. Isn't that a waste of time?

But the more he saved, the better his karma would be, because he subconsciously desired as much positive karma as possible.

One example would be a personal feud; being blinded by greed when a group discovered treasures that were found by its two seperated parties, causing them to turn their backs on one other.

This is the life of a cultivator, moving through endless bodies as they go down the cultivation pathways.

But then he was surprised. After the two beasts' yang essence was 'released' into the beast they were on top of, some of their energy fluctuations were accidentally restrained, revealing their suppressed cultivation.

They were... At the peak of the second step!

Adel gulped, thinking how 'lucky' they were to be doing 'it' with the beast while staying undetected by them.

He, however, viewed this as his opportunity to attack! He may as well kill them right there and then since they were so engrossed in pleasure that they were unleashing their restrained energy fluctuations!

He then waved his palm in the air, causing a hundred swords to soar above his head.

But they were more powerful since he merged all three energies to wield them, rather than simply Ki.

He subsequently waved fifty times at one beast and fifty times at the other.

The beasts were born with the instinct to avoid danger. Even so, they let their guard down as they 'released' their yang essence.

All of this happened in a matter of seconds. Just as the swords hit them, they kept moving in a straight line before hitting their hearts.

After all, these were high stage second step beats, and they never seemed to be dead, since they seemed to be cultivating the energy pathway as a result of the earlier energy fluctuations he sensed.

But before they could react, Adel created another hundred swords and bombarded them with their dantians, utterly destroying them before sending another wave to their brains, killing them.

The beasts couldn't believe they were dead... during the 'mating' process...


Adel was overjoyed since he had obtained the corpses of two high stage second step beasts!

For all cultivation systems, this would cause his strength to instantly leap into the early stages of the second step!

He saw the beast that was the 'prey' the two dead beasts were 'hunting' as he collected their energy and sent them to his space...

Adel was perplexed as water ran down its eyes. Since when did second-step beasts become intelligent? It seemed to be sobbing!
