Chapter 127: Sibling Bonding

Mid Morning - Early Summer : Bahamut Estate


After Chloe left, the day progressed pretty smoothly.

I spent all the time I could trying to make my space magic more efficient and trying to come up with some theories about the void, but unfortunately, none of them went anywhere.

Once night rolled around, Mother and Krystallo came out for the science lesson, and things went well. Mother was improving by leaps and bounds as per usual and Krystallo, well.. she was getting there.

The lesson lasted until sunrise when Mother was called inside to address an 'important matter' and left me to play with Ilios and Krystallo.

Beyond that, my days weren't too exciting. As days passed, I dedicated as much time as I could to training my magic and studying the void and my space mana, but didn't get anywhere beyond small discoveries that improved my efficiency or understanding by a tad here or there.

Chloe also spent quite a lot of time with me outside, even though I told her she could go in if she wished. As time passed, she eased up and didn't get flustered as often, but she still had her moments.

Sometimes I would try to bounce some ideas off her, thinking I could get a new angle on something from the perspective of someone not so knowledgeable, but more often than not, she was a little too knowledgeable.

But regardless, time continued to pass, and I had finally gotten myself adjusted to the new environment and routine.

After about a week, Father returned, saying that he had convinced Grandmother to delay the Elders, but honestly, none of us were convinced that would last too long.

However, the next couple of months passed peacefully. Before we knew it, Krystallo and I had our birthdays, and while it was 'just another day' to me, it meant a lot to Krystallo, so I ended up spending the day with her.

Towards the end of the day though, after having a big dinner, we all went outside and decided it was time to give Krystallo her lesson on transformation magic instead of the usual science and magic topics.

Surprisingly, she was actually quite talented with it, but she was far from confident enough to try it with such haste.

Before we knew it, about a week of lessons had passed, and the day when she worked up the confidence to try it came.

"Brother, Brother!" Krystallo ran out to me in the field early that morning while I was messing with gates. "I think I can do it!"

As I turned around, I noticed Mother and Father behind her wearing proud smiles.

My eyes immediately lit up as I realized what she was talking about. "Haha, see? I told you that you'd be able to do it!" Seeing her eager smile, I couldn't help but pat her head.

"Hehe." Her childish smile widened immediately.

"Alright, go for it when you're ready. If you need help, just ask." Quickly changing to my humanoid form, I ran over next to her and got ready. -Will she even know how to walk as a humanoid?-

"Mmm…" Giving a quick but nervous nod, she finally sat down and closed her eyes.

It was only about 15 seconds later that she started glowing brighter and brighter. -You got this!-

The amount of mana she moved continued to grow as the light grew brighter, and before long, the light started to fade.

Mother, Father, and I all watched with looks of expectation as the bright white light faded to reveal a small child that resembled a 9 or 10-year-old with snow-white hair, with perky wolf ears, and a bushy tail that resembled mine.

" cute…" Although Chloe was the only one to say it out loud, we all thought the same thing.

As Krystallo opened her eyes, she started checking out her new form before quickly reaching up and touching her wolf ears and giving me a proud smile. "Hehe, I did it! I look like Brother!" She immediately tried to hop up but lost her balance and fell backward, leaving me to catch her.

She looked a bit dazed as I caught her, but that was to be expected. "Haha, calm down a bit. It'll take some time for you to get used to moving around in this form."

Her dazed expression quickly morphed into a pout. "Then how did you use it right away?"

"Ah…" Not sure how to respond, I looked toward Mother and Father but they were giving me curious looks as well. "I just caught on quick… But I'm sure you will too, so don't get discouraged."


"Here…" Quickly straightening her up, I grabbed onto her hands and walked in front of her. "Try walking toward me. I will catch you if you fall."

*Flash* Noticing what I was doing, Mother changed to her humanoid form as well and walked up. "Sweetie, try to lean forward slightly and fall onto your other foot." She gave a quick, and exaggerated example of what she meant before moving over and gently set her hand on Krystallo's back.

"O-okay…" With a reluctant nod, Krystallo put on a determined expression and leaned forward, falling onto her foot exactly as Mother did. "Hey, this.. Isn't too bad…" Her movements were wide and looked a bit goofy, but it was an incredible start.

-Her sense of balance is incredible…- Her movements were smooth, with no shakiness at all; to the point that she looked like a normal humanoid just walking funny.

Mother noticed it as well. "There you go!" She was simply ecstatic.

Krystallo's smile slowly widened with an adorably pure joy hearing Mother's praise.

I added onto it as well. "See? I told you that you would catch on quickly!"

Finally coming to a stop after several steps, she straightened up with a prideful smile. "Hehe~"

Mother gave us a warm smile as she watched me help her before finally speaking up again. "Vasilias, how about you help her with some lessons like this once a day until she can move naturally on her own?"

I quickly looked over before thinking, why not. "I'm fine with that if she is-"

The instant I looked at Krystallo though, a bright gleam appeared in her eyes and she gave a quick flurry of nods.

"I guess that settles it then." I unconsciously set my hand on her head seeing her enthusiasm. "Whenever you want to practice, just let me know."

"Okay! Can we start now?!" She bounced on her tippy toes while giving me a 'puppy eyes' look as if she thought I was going to turn her down.

"Haha, alright." Quickly turning to Chloe, I decided it was best to bring her as well. "Chloe, if you want, you should come with us. You might be able to provide some more.. tame advice than me."

But before she could respond, Krystallo shot her an adorable look that was definitely meant to be intimidating and made her shrink back a bit. "I think it would be best if I gave you two some time alone.. I apologize."

*Bonk* Lightly bonking Krystallo on the head, I looked over at Chloe again. "How about you go get her some sweets then. Now that she has a humanoid form, she can enjoy the pleasures of human pastries."

She immediately started smiling again. "R-right away, my lord!"

As she quickly left the field, Mother and Father whispered to each other and eventually turned to leave as well. "Since you two seem to be eager to start, we will head inside as well." Father held his head high with pride while he spoke. "If you two need anything I will be in my room, and your mother will be in her office, alright?"

"Make sure you two are careful! And Vasilias, make sure she doesn't overuse her mana." Mother gave me a slightly anxious look before letting out a sigh and following Father out of the field.

Finally turning back to Krystallo, I noticed her tail subtly wagging. -Even a mimicked form has that kind of functionality?- I wasn't sure how to feel about it at first, but it was adorable regardless. "So, let's just focus on the basics today, alright?"


And just like that, with her bright smile and wagging tail, there was a new addition to our routine.

Time started to slip away again after that. Krystallo made incredible improvements in her movements and could now walk and run completely naturally, even while focusing on the vacuum magic I was teaching her how to use.

Mother couldn't help but watch in awe when she came out to check in on us and saw it. "To think you improved so much in just a month..."

"Hehe, it's all thanks to Brother!" Krystallo shot a proud gaze over at me as she darted around the field with Ilios.

"Chloe helped too! Don't give me all of the credit."

Looking over at Chloe, she immediately got flustered. "I-I didn't do anything. It was all because of Sir Vasilias and Lady Krystallo's hard work."

"There's no need to be humble, Chloe." Honestly, over the last month, she helped me more than I could imagine.

As I had expected, my ways of teaching were a bit much for Krystallo to understand at times, so I had Chloe occasionally step in and help out.

She was great at translating my.. complicated instructions.. into more child-friendly ones. -She also helped me realize just how out of the norm Krystallo and I are..-

As I grew up, what I assumed to be normal was skewed so far to one side that I just defaulted to assuming Krystallo was the norm. -Oh how wrong that was..-

According to Chloe, even Krystallo is a freak of nature in terms of strength, talent, and mana capacity for her age. -I guess the Ragnaroks are known for their strength for a reason..-

Pulling me out of my thoughts, Mother chimed in again. "Well, now that Krystallo has gotten better at moving in her humanoid form, how about a trip?"
