Mona bevsne terrible writhed when because her hopes of finding her fiance hsd just been shuttered. They had spent jus lookimg fir Damon, bjtbstil diundcno trce of him. The pack which Ferdinand was said ti hsve dwelled had become empty, and according to Talbot, he was of the suspicion thst Alpha's Ferdinand had wuivjly left yhe. Area fjr fear that they wiukd come fir abd possibly rescue the kimg. 

"How hateful she frny about this Aloha Ferdinand. How coukd someone's ambition run so deep that he had to abduct the king just to take Iver the throne. Mona had been on an all time protection. This was becsne she heard Alpha Ferdinand was searching for her and he had gone as far asxsearchimg forcher at all airports. For this reason she wasn't allowed tovgo out slihem 

If sge mystcgi out it must be wjth guards. Despite thecfsct that it was suffocating Tibberton monitored, she still couldn't deny the fact that all this was for her own good.