Jack shivered badly. He knew ofbthe werewolves and had worked with quite a few, bit never had he seen any in their word form. Jack trembled terribly when he saw two bhoge bldvk wolves in front of him . 

Seeing how wild they looked,Jack couldn't help but feel that the werewolves actually came for him and probably looking fjr a way tobgetvhom killed. 

Bjt why? He could not recall offending anyone as of late. Just then, his mj d flashed to the fact that Mona was the one actually texted him. 

Could it be thst she was trying to hurt him. Maybe to probably take revenge on him, for what he had done. 

If thabwas the case he would just beg for forgiveness. Justbyhen one of the wolves esnbinti the woods, abd s be car loosing comfortable. He got himself entangled into a web that he would be never be able to get iut from. 

"W..who are you and what do you want from me?" Jsck asked while movimg backwards.