Damon was in prison ad usual, thinking about what he was to do in order to set himself free from the dungeons he had been locked in for years. 

His cook..... had given him the courage to stand up for himself, and also, he had given him the courage to persevere. 

"Your Majesty, I'm glad you've finally made your decision to leave this place," Joe came in carrying the keys which was meant for to unlock his cell. 

"Are you sure no one saw yiu come in?"

"Trust me, Your Majesty, I will ger us our of here as slowly as a nice could escape a cell."

Damon believed the cook. At least Joe had been outside the dungeons, so he would know Exactly how the outside world was like, not him. 

  Joe's holed him ou of his chsjnsx as he was about leadi.g him to the outside world. Just ad they were about leaving, they heard loud growls.