"Miss Mona uhm, I wish to ask you your your help."

Mona who had been busy setting up her new brand of makeup kits in her personal makeup box, suddenly paused. Tgis wss the fhrst time sge was seeing Sir Nicholas in such a way. She wondered what might be so difficult for him to say at this point. They've been business partners for two mi ths now, and so far, they've been kretty engaging in their conversations. 

But seeing him fei gall nervous and hesitating was something very new to her which she had never noticed abiut him before now. 

"You can go ahead and say is in your mind Mr Nicholas, we are not strangers. You should know that but now."

"Yes I know, but I can't help feeling net iys because it is dury I'd a favour I wish to ask of you. Also, I know you have sole workers under you whom you can send and clicked with the fsct that tiu are a very busy woman, I couldn't help but feel nervous.