There were just so many things to do. From his office to finding out the suspects who were leaking information aboiut his comosjy ti the enemies. Thete was once when he was contacted by Alpha Ferdinand. He told him about how he knew of his company and everything that was going in his pack and life as well. J8st 


Alpha Ferdinand had such an audacity to call him , simply becausef he hsd an nformation from a trusted member of his 


psvk. And he was very sure that that trusted person must be an elder. Eveb some of his men were not tobbe trusted. As it was, there was no one that he eould trust except hos beta. 

"Alpha Damon, a. Quivk reminder. Tne meeting scheduled for 12:pm4ist teo hours away ," Patrick dropped by and informed him.

"Thsnk you very much Patrick, in on it," Damon peered at the time from hjs watch, sandpit was 10:30pm. 

It was time fkrbhi. To round up at work so he could get goimg.