Chapter 1

"Doctor, I think, we should add him to the list of most hard-to-get bachelors for tomorrow's auction," Patricia said as she laid a picture of a handsome man on top of her desk. "I guess he'll agree."

Patricia was Lena's co-organizer for the auction to be held tomorrow night.

Animal Welfare —The auction was for their organization. She had always joined in these kinds of things. Most of her time went spent taking care of the animals at her clinic. She was a veterinarian, and she loved animals—especially dogs.

Lena took a deep breath and stared at the handsome man in the photo. He had impassive midnight black eyes. His nose was proud. And a very stubborn jawline and a visible frown of annoyance on his face. She looked down at his body. Much well-toned body. He stood six feet two. Even in the photo, the man's forehead was still furrowed.

"Do you think Mr. Jordan Steele will agree to join the auction tomorrow?" She laughed softly. "Sorry, Patricia, I just didn't think he would. He's after all called 'Hitler' by his employees."

Patricia smiled wryly. "I know. But think of this, when we get a Jordan Steele to join, we're definitely going to raise a lot of funds."

Lena had foreseen it. "Let's just say we will take him with us." She drew a deep breath. "Who's going to come to him to invite him?"

Patricia's smile widened, then she laid the invitation card on her desk. "It's you."

Lena's eyes widened. "No way ..."

"Yes, There's way." Patricia winked at her. "With the two of us, your convincing power is stronger."

"I doubt that." She rolled her eyes. "Patricia, this man might kill me." She even pointed at the picture of Mr. Steele. "I can't get out of his office alive."

Patricia just laughed at her. "Silly. Of course not. All he can do is yell at you."

Her shoulders slumped. "Isn't there anyone else who can talk to him?"

Patricia shrugged. "I could call Lucas and…"

"Eww." Her face was wrinkled.

The speaker laughed out loud. "You really don't like Lucas, do you? I'm still planning to flirt with him."

Lucas was also involved in Animal Welfare, just like they are with Patricia. The man was always approaching her for no apparent reason.

Her face still couldn't be painted. "I don't like him. I hate when he touches me. I'm sick, eh. Maybe it's because of his scent. He's nice but I don't want him to touch me."

Patricia laughed out loud again. "Oh, Lena. He's so innocent mind. He's never been tainted by the lewdness and vulgarity of the world." She tsked. "You're sick because you don't like Lucas. That's all. That's your reaction because you don't like him. But when a man holds you and you like the feeling, be prepared, Cupid did that."

Her forehead furrowed. "Cupid doesn't exist. It's scientifically proven."

Patricia just shook. "God, Lena, in which cave did your family hide you? Cupid is used to represent love, but not literally."

Cupid—the god of desire

She frowned and was bored with herself. Why was so much of her unknown to the world? "I was always at school and at home. I still had a babysitter with me until college. When I have free time, I read educational books like Daddy wants to learn more. When I was in college, Daddy was coming to pick me up, then my uncle was the dean of our college so I kept a close watch." she said. "I want to be like a normal student, hanging out with boys and reading magazines, but Dad won't let me. He said it would go with me. And I listened. That's what good daughters do, right? Listen to their parents?"

Patricia looked at her with pity. "Your parents are very strict. Haven't you been strangled even once?"

Lena nodded. "That's for me too, Daddy said. So, I'm sorry if I literally sometimes think and don't know anything about the opposite sex."

Patricia sighed. "Don't worry. If you don't understand something about the opposite sex, call me. You have a number for me, don't you?"

Lena nodded. "Thank you."

"All right, I'm leaving. I am going to give out an invitation, eh."

She stood up and kissed Patricia. "Okay. Be careful."

"I will. Anyway, don't forget about Mr. Steele. You can do that." She smiled then left the clinic.

Lena sat down in the swivel chair, her eyes staring at Jordan Steele's picture. Was she really the one to talk to Hitler of New York?

God, have mercy on me.

She took a deep breath then placed the invitation card in the handbag that Patricia had laid on her table. She came out of the animal clinic with her dog named Ace that her father had gifted her.

She opened the car door. "Ace, get in," she said to the dog, who immediately got into the car.

Lena smiled because her dog was so smart and listened to her. She also entered, sat in the driver's seat, and then drove the vehicle towards 'Nadia Group of Companies'.

Hope she will be allowed even if she doesn't have an appointment. She knew that Jordan Steele was a very busy man.

Arriving at the 'Nadia Group of Companies' parking lot, she opened the window an inch to let her dog breathe while she was inside the building. She wasn't worried that someone might steal her car. Heavily guarded the entire parking lot.

Lena first adjusted the black dress that reached the length above her knees. The dress hugged her curves. She bit her lip so hard that she was still wearing a doctor's robe. Shit! She immediately removed it and folded it, then placed it on one of her arms.

She took a deep breath before exiting. She took the elevator. After leaving, she went straight to the desk outside the CEO's Office.

"Good morning." She smiled at the man behind the secretary's desk. "Can I talk to Mr. Jordan Steele? I don't have an appointment."

The man smiled. "Mr. Jordan Steele doesn't like appointments." He stood up. "Wait for me here."

Lena's eyebrows rose as the man entered the CEO's Office. Mr. Jordan Steele didn't like appointments? How weird was that? Shouldn't big companies have appointments because they do a lot?

Her eyebrows were still raised when the man came out of the office, but the door remained slightly open.

"Ma'am, what's your name?" polite question of the man.

"Lena Candice Marshall," she replied.

The man's half body entered the door, then spoke. "Lena Candice Marshall professed, Mr. Jordan Steele," he said as if talking to her purpose.

This is weird.

The man turned to her again and asked. "Do you have Russian or Spanish blood?"

Confused, she nodded. "One-fourth Spaniard, one-fourth Japanese and half Russian."

The man turned back inside the office. She heard the man relayed her answer to his very weird boss. And then he looked at her again. "Ma'am, can you face the camera?" He pointed the camera to the side. "It's like he can see you."

Surprisingly, Lena followed the man's instructions and frowned when she looked at the camera.

Minutes later, the man spoke again. "Come in, Ma'am."

She let out a deep breath, then walked inward. "Thank you," she said to the man when they met, then entered the open door.

"Close the door," That baritone voice said as she walked in.

Without looking at Mr. Jordan Steele, Lena closed the door behind her and faced the man she came here for.

She sucked in a sudden breath when she saw his face up close. The picture didn't do him any justice. The man in front of her was like-Adonis personified.

Good heavens. There is a man so handsome.

She sneezed and blinked. "Amm, can I talk to you?"

He shrugged. "You're already talking, aren't you?"

No wonder he was also Hitler personified. What a rude mouth he had.

He motioned her to come closer using his finger. "Come here and sit down. My neck is shaking in surprise at you."

Lena nodded. Of course. It was rude of her not to sit. She wet her lips and followed what Mr. Jordan Steele said. She approached his desk and sat in the visitor's chair.

She was taken aback by Jordan Steele's gaze, but he was even more taken aback when his gaze dropped to her rich chest.

She sneezed and calmly asked. "Excuse me? Why are you looking at my chest?"

The corner of his lips rose. "I'm not staring at your chest. I'm reading your name on your coat."

Her eyebrows rose, then she looked down at the lab coat that was folded and hung on her arm. Her name was upside down so maybe he's staring at that. She thought he was looking at her breasts. "It's Candice Marshall," she said.

One of the man's eyebrows also rose. "I know, you don't have to repeat."

The ugly habit. But what can she do, eh? She was the one who needed him?

She laid the invitation on his table. "I'm here to invite you to the auction tomorrow. It's a bachelor auction for my organization. Animal Welfare."

Mr. Jordan Steele stared at the invitation card. "In short, you want to sell me to women to help animals?"

She nodded and smiled. "It looks like that already."

He sighed. "I do not want."

Not surprisingly she said. "Okay."

"You won't force me?"

"Why, will you insist?" she asked again.

He shrugged. "No."

"Okay. Thanks for the time." She stood up and walked towards the door. She was about to open it when Mr. Jordan Steele.

"Nice ass."

Lena sighed and quickly turned to the man. He was staring at the laptop screen so maybe she was just imagining what she heard. She took a deep breath then left the office.

Patricia said her convincing power was strong, but she doubted it. Mr. Jordan Steele was the kind of person who can't be convinced when he doesn't want to, and he has the right to say no. That's why she left the moment he declined the invitation. She didn't want to push and make trouble. Her parents raised her with mutual respect.