Chapter 7

[Hello, hope you are doing well, dear readers! If you like this story, please let me know...I just write and published but don't get any response. Please let me know it will be very helpful.] Good night


Lena's moon cake finally arrived, but it was already night so Ace decided to bring it to her that morning.

When morning came, he was actually excited to see Lena again. He was just shaking with feeling. Yes, and that emotion was new to her, but he was not clueless about what it was called.

When he's with Lena—that feeling growing inside him was disastrous in the highest form. And fuck it to hell, it seemed that he didn't give a fucking damn.

On the way to Lena clinic — Logan called him.

'It's really the weirdness of the Russian at any time. The awkwardness is irritating. Why is he my best friend anyway?'

How many times did he disown Logan as his best friend? Many times. But that had no effect on Logan because the man's face was thick.

"What else do you need, Russian?" he asked.

"I asked Brandon Hill."

Ace frowned. "What?"

"I asked Brandon Hill about Lena Candice."

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! "And what did you find out, fucker?" he asked in a calm voice, but there was a war inside him.

"Well ..." He took a deep breath first. "I found out she has a clinic and I'm here now outside and coming in."

'Shit! This was a fucking 911 emergency.'

Ace turned off the call, threw the cell phone in the passenger seat, and then stepped on the cylinder to speed up his car. It was as if he was racing with Death at the speed of a car.

In less than six minutes, he arrived at Lena's clinic and hurried inside, carrying three boxes of moon cake. He caught Logan talking nicely to the woman.

He was stunned to feel annoyed at that scene. What the fuck? Yes, and he was always annoyed with Logan, but he didn't want to twist his neck like now.

He sneezed to get the two's attention.

Lena smiled at him, and his irritation magically disappeared. 'Well, what do you know? A single fucking smile can make me feel calm.'

Ace could feel it. A disaster was about to strike his calm life. It wasn't good, but could he prevent it from happening?

Let's see what happen next.

"Hello, Mr. Steele," Lena greeted him. "How's your dog Logan? Does his foot still hurt?"

Logan raised an eyebrow at him, then turned to Lena. "Tell me, beautiful Lena, what happened to his dog Logan? And as far as I know, Ace's house is very far from your clinic. And to add some weird information, there is a vet clinic in our area."

"His dog fell down from the stairs," the woman replied and frowned. "You two know each other?"

Logan grinned. "Yes. We're best of friends." He turned to him, the corner of his lips raised. "Hmm. Funny. I also fell down the stairs yesterday. And his dog is the same name as me." The madman laughed then walked out of the clinic.

When they met, Logan tapped him on the shoulder.

"I like her for you, buddy. Work your effing charm. Looks like you'll have a hard time with that one. She's so innocent of the green things in the world. Looks like she had been sheltered too much."

"I know."

He laughed softly and finally left the clinic. Ace, on the other hand, stared at Lena, who was busy bandaging an unconscious and wounded dog.

Ace sighed as he stared at her very yummy ass. He repeatedly asked himself. When will he see the woman naked? Could he, though? Could he taint her innocent mind and corrupt it sexually?

Damn! It was a hard decision —indeed. Damn fucking it. And he didn't help that he hardened quickly when she's just so close.

Was corrupting an innocent woman a crime?

When she finished, Lena looked up and was surprised to see Ace sitting on the floor and playing with her dog Ace.

That scene tugged her heart.

Ace was wearing a tux, and he didn't seem to mind that the floor was not that clean. And now she wondered, what was this man doing there?

"Ahemm." She sneezed jokingly. "Do you need anything from me? How's your dog?"

Ace quickly stood up then ironed the dress. Then his eyes went to the three boxes of moon cake lying on her following table. "Three boxes of moon cake," he said and approached the table, then separated the two boxes. "One box for that kiss yesterday."

Her mouth watered when she saw the moon cake. "Eh, why did you bring three? You're going to make me jealous, aren't you?"

Since she first saw Ace, this was the first time that he actually smiled a little. "No. I have a proposition to make." With a finger, he asked her to come closer. "Come here. I want you close while I tell you that."

There was no harm in obliging. She obeyed Jordan Steele not because he ordered it but because all parts of her body wanted to be close to him. The feeling inside her was unknown and weird, yet she didn't question it because she liked it. She liked the feeling Ace was arousing inside her.

When she approached, the man spoke immediately.

"My proposition is ..." He parted a few strands of hair that covered her cheek. "One box, one kiss." The tip of his finger touched her cheeks, and it sent a warm sensation down to her body. "If you really crave for a moon cake, say yes. If you dislike the idea of ​​kissing me again, say no."

Lena looked down at the box with just a lot of moon cake. Her molar tooth was watering. She looked at Ace again, and her eyes dropped to his lips.

She remembered the kiss yesterday— like it just happened a minute ago. And maybe it was cliché to all the women out there, but she wanted to feel again what she felt yesterday.

It was a weird and unknown sensation, but it made her feel so alive.

"Mr. Steele…"

"Jordan," he interjected. "Just Jordan."

She gulped softly. "Jordan." His name rolled softly on her tongue. "It's a yes."

His face lit up, then he was about to bring his face closer to hers, but she covered her lips with her hand.

The eyes watered as she spoke. "I don't know how to kiss…"

"I'll teach you how."

Lena was suddenly nervous, and her heartbeat increased. "H-how is it?"

"Just imitate me."

Lena was hypnotized by Ace's stares and voice. Gradually his face came closer to hers. And just as the two of them applied their lips, she heard the doorbell ring.

Quickly at four o'clock she turned her back on the man and acted busy cleaning her desk.

"Doctor! My dog, run over!" said the woman's voice in panic.