Chapter 10

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Lena's heartbeat quickened as Ace winked at her. She was simply held to the chest where her heart was. This was the first time her heartbeat quickened just because of the wink. Is this normal?

Argh! If only I could talk to Hailey.

She will report to her Daddy. Suck on that one.

She maybe innocent when it came to the opposite sex, but when it came to her own kind, she knew how cunning a woman could be. And that's Hailey.

"So?" Ace's eyes ask. "—Will you? Will you kiss me?"

She shrugged to hide the excitement she was feeling. Kissing Ace made her feel so alive. Of course, she would like to kiss him again. Even if there was a part of her mind that says what she was doing is not right.

It was the first time in her life that her blood had come to life just because of a simple kiss. She wanted to feel more, to experience more! And she feels she can do that with Ace.

"Answer me," Ace barked, then stood up and turned the table towards her. He held out his hand which she immediately accepted. He pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Yes or no, moon cake."

She blinked rapidly. "Moon cake?"

"That's my endearment for you from now on." His gaze was fixed on her. "Moon cake." He caressed her cheek. "I hate the country where you originated but I like you. So, I will temporarily forget my anger at that country…"

"Because you like me?" she continued she thought Ace would say.

He nodded, his eyes still staring intimately at her. "Yes. I like you. Don't you?"

Lena nodded. "I like you too," she confessed. "You look kind except for what you did to my dog. You gave a million to Animal Welfare, then you gave me a moon cake in exchange for a simple kiss. Which man would do that?"

She was confused when Ace's face darkened. Anger was visible in his eyes, and it confused her.

"What? Did I say anything wrong?" she asked Ace without losing her temper.

"When someone gives you a moon cake, shut up when you ask for a kiss in return."

"Ha why?"

'What's the problem with this one?'

His mouths cried. "I'm the only one allowed to do that, okay? I'm the only one who is allowed to kiss you and hug you like this. I'm the only man you'll permit to touch you intimately. Understand? When there is man who tried to kiss you, report to me, I will feed him to my crocodile Langston."

When he finished what he was saying, the nick on her forehead was too deep. "Why are you the only one? And you have a pet crocodile?" There was excitement in her voice at the last question.

"Yes. I should be the only one kissing and hugging you." Ace kissed her on the forehead and she felt peace in what he did. "Call me greedy, but I don't share, Lena. Especially if you are the one, I don't share with others. Because you are the only woman who can make me calm in my angry state, the only woman who can make me smile after a furious encounter with morons and idiots, and the only woman who can arouse my 'big and long friend' down there with just a peak on your delectable ass. And it fucking hurts. So, no, I won't share you because I intend to own you and keep you."

"How can you own me and keep me?" Her forehead was furrowed. "Jordan, I'm not something you just buy, you're done forever."

Ace was shaken, then laughed softly and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I wasn't talking literally." He applied the tip of a finger to her chest where her heart was. "I don't know but I'd love to get it."

Lena looked fantastically at her chest as he pointed, then looked back at him. "You want my chest?"

"No. What's in that is what I want."

"Oh. My heart?"

Ace nodded. "That's it."

She snapped his finger. "Don't joke there. I'll die if you take my heart. Haven't you learned human anatomy when you were in high school? Extracting the heart from the body will cause death, so I won't give you my heart, No? What do you need? You already have it, be content."

Lena didn't know what she said or did when Ace threw his head back and laughed so hard, it brought tears to his eyes.

"Is something funny?" she asked when Ace sobered.

"You." He was still laughing softly. "So innocent." He pinched the bridge of her nose. "So I like you, eh. You're so refreshing to me." He suddenly kissed her and pulled away. "I like you, Lena Marshall."

Her heart flipped, it made her breathless. What the heck was that?

She shook her head. "Do you have a pet crocodile?" she changes the subject.

She didn't like to talk about how Ace liked her. It was as if her heart was racing so fast, she was confused as to why she was feeling that way.

The man nodded. "Yes. Wanna see him? I'm going to the island tomorrow. Like to come with me?"

"Yes. I'm like!" she excitedly replied. "Yes! Oh, my God. A crocodile! I want to see it. It's fun. Hooray!"

"There are only two of us there except for Mang Carding who is the caretaker of my island. "There was a warning in Ace's voice. "Is that okay with you?"

She nodded and smiled. "It's okay. You're kind to me, so it's okay. And then I won't miss it to see the crocodile again." She almost jumped with excitement.

Ace just stared at her as if he were taking his thoughts seriously. "What if I take advantage of you?"

There Lena stopped and met the man's eyes. "What do you mean?"

"We're just the two of us there." His voice turned husky. "I might kiss you forcibly."

"Just ask me. I will let you kiss me. You don't have to force me," she said as she blushed at the memory of how their kiss made her feel.

Ace caressed her blushing cheek. "Really? Will you let me?"

She nodded.

"What if I touch you in inappropriate places?" he asked, his finger sliding down to her lips, neck, unto the valley of her breast. "Will you let me?"

"Would you mind not doing that?"

"What if I love it?" His coercion.

"I will punch you and tear gas you, just like my daddy said." The expression on her face became bold. "Please don't make me."

Ace smiled, and her heart did a somersault. "I can't promise. When I'm with you, I lose sight of right or wrong. So please bring your tear gas so that when I touch you on the private part of your body, you can stop me."

She swallowed and was nervous. "A-all right. I-I'll bring my tear gas tomorrow."

"Good." He kissed her on the forehead. "I'm leaving. I still have a lot to do in the office."

Lena nodded. "Okay. Be careful."

"I'll call you when I'm not busy anymore."


"Or I'll text you."

"Okay." She has nothing else to say but that.

"Or maybe I'll visit you later."

"It's okay too."

"Or I should pick you up."

"It's okay with me too."

"What if I kiss you?" His sudden question. "Is it okay too?"

She nodded. "Yes."

She closed her eyes and waited for Ace's lips to touch hers. When he did, her heart sank inside her chest. She was so close to the man's neck that she felt her knees tremble as she mimicked the movement of her lips.

When Ace pulled away, his eyes were smiling even when his lips didn't. "I'm leaving."

His kiss made her breathless, so she just nodded.

He walked towards the door of the clinic and turned to her before finally exiting. "See you soon," he said.

Lena just nodded and sparingly smiled. He winked at her before leaving the clinic. She slowly sat down in her swivel chair.

How does she feel about Ace? She blamed herself for not knowing. A strong urge inside her wanted to know. But how?

She looked out of her own eyes at her cell phone on the desk.

A certain person came into her mind. Patricia! She could ask her! Thanks God.