Chapter 20

Lena looked up at Ace, then weakly squeezed his manhood. "Is it delicious?"

His eyes were dark with emotion she couldn't name. "Yes." His voice was husky and …sexy.

She unbuttoned the pants he was wearing. "Can I open it?"

"Of course." He was like running out of breath.

She smiled. "Thanks." She finally unzipped his pants and pulled them down.

Lena muffled a gasped when his friend, as Ace called it, sprang to life. He was wearing nothing but faded jeans. She knelt down to align his face and his manhood.

The specimen in front of her was long, big and sleek. When she touched it, she was surprised to feel it warm in her palms and soft. She studied Ace's friend from every angle.

"Suck me," Ace said.

Lena blinked and looked up at him. "What?"

"You opened my pants, you revived my friend, you might as well put it inside your mouth and suck it."